You know, every now and then, you get an AMEN sister! We had an intresting Sunday School lesson. We are doing a study by Rick Warren entitled, What on Earth are we here for! I have been a great fan of his since first reading and doing a study on the purpose driven life.
I have to admit though, as much of a fan, the first two lessons of this book have hit me the wrong way. Thanks to small group though, I think I am getting it. The topic today, about us leaving it up to God. He seemed to me to be saying we can't leave it up to God, we have to act, we have to take control over our cirumcstances. As a social worker, I know control is a luxuary that most people don't have. If we are realistic, the only thing we really have contol over is our emotions (reactions) and our actions. We cannot control how others react, what they think, what they do, or what groups of people do. We cannot control the weather. We have to pray and leave it up to God. I think of the times that my family faced medical crisis, when we lost our roof and ceiling in Hurricane Wilma, and when my sons were born. Each of those times, we prayed and left it up to God, we knew we could not control anything. We knew there was a master plan out there. Members in the group pointed out to me that prayer is action. They felt his message was directing those like the story of the man in the boat who was offered resuce many times, but he waited for God to come and did not take the offers. God sent the offers. Or the people who refuse to act or decide and simply through their hands in the air saying "I leave in to God". So they convinced me.
Then, a member pointed out to me how impressed he was at my growth as a Christian. I still feel like a baby in this. I know I don't pray enough or trust in God enough or seek his advice enough. I do not see it. He shared at how when I joined the group, I had bad feelings towards missionaries, now not only do I rely on them to do my work in the professional arena, but I am going on my first mission trip to New Orleans in November.
But back to the message, we left Sunday school and headed to Church. Somehow, the Pastor seemed to read my mind and created a service and sermon directed right at me. LOL.
The children's sermon was about David and Goliath, David faced impossible odds, and turned to God to be victorious, note he was not inactive however. The adult's service was about Jehoshaphat and how with a massive army coming to wipe them off, they asked God he told him do nothing, all was in his hands. Jehoshaphat led his army into song as the other armies came to kill him. God wiped out the army without Jehoshpahat lifting a single finger. All he had was faith and obedience and he was victorious.