OMG!!!!!! What a nightmare of a dream vacation! I heard we were on CNN, I trust you all will let me know! In any case, there have been some good things on my Mediteranian Cruise turned bus tour of Italy. So here it is, enjoy a laugh at my expense, I either laugh or scream in anger!
Do understand however, this “free” cruise is rather expensive for a social worker, although no cost for the cruise tickets (which I checked would have been $2500 for one, and I was given two), the shore excursions with guide have to be paid for, drinks including SODA (and you all know of my addition to diet coke) must be paid for. For $60 I bought a glass I can get free refills of diet soda at any time the entire cruise.
Day 1 and 2 were beautiful. I flew to Barcelona. What a beautiful city, stayed in a lovely hotel. Saw the city, walked about, took the local bus transportation about (having no idea I would be spending my entire trip on a bus-more about that later). The hotel was gracious and held our bags the second day while we roamed about seeing the sites. I saw the Monumento a Colon (Columbus Monument). This was at Las Ramblas, on the waterfront. Las Ramblas is a delightful tree lined boulevard and the center of activity in the town and stretches from the waterfront through the center of town, pass beautiful cathedrals. I went to the marketplace, saw wonderful actors dressed very realistically to look like statues, they would move suddenly as you passed, for a tip you could have your picture taken with them! I had a wonderful Spanish lunch and it set the mood for the entrance to the ship.
As I approached the Millennium, it was breathtaking. It was the largest ship in the port, by far. It has 11 floors. I can look out the widow over my bed and see the ocean. Its great except the last four days the view has been the concrete wall of the Civitavecchia Port we are stuck in. I board in great anticipation of my 12-Night Classical Mediterranean Cruise! The Ship was beautiful! It looked like the titanic. Deck 1 is where the security is when you board and the medical center. On deck 2 on the Port side is my room, staterooms are on Decks 2-9, with penthouse type rooms with private outside decks on Deck 6-9. Deck 3 is where the offices, bank, guest relations and shore excursions and desks are. There is also a cinema and atrium and grand foyer and the Olympic Restaurant (reservations required) on Deck 3. From the grand foyer on the deck you can walk up a grand staircase to deck 4. This is where the first level of the formal dining room is. You must dress in formal wear to attend dinner here. Also on this desk are the casino, the photo gallery, the online Internet room (if you have wireless like me you can also access internet from the Martina Bar and Cova Café on Deck 5, the Rendezvous Lounge on Deck 4 and the Ocean Café on Deck 10), Fortunes Casino Bar, Michael’s Piano Bar (my personal favorite), and the Rendezvous Lounge. Deck 5 houses the Cova Café de Milano, the Martini Bar, the gift boutiques, game tables with all sorts of board games and cards available, and the Art Gallery. Another breathtaking stairway is here on Deck 4 to 5 as well. Deck 4 & 5 also house the Celebrity Theater. Deck 5 & 6 houses the library with a spiral staircase to get to either floor of the library. The acupuncture clinic is on Deck 7. Deck 10 houses one outdoor swimming pool, a number of hot tubs and covered salt water adult pool with two spas for 18 and over guests, a heath food restaurant, Casual Dining Boulevard, Ocean Café, and the Riviera Grill (poolside) are the restaurants on deck 10. The Aqua Spa, exercise room, sauna, and more on this floor. Party bands, Guitarists, Pianist, Dance bands, orchestra’s, full theater shows such as live can-can and other celebrity singers and dancers are on at different locations and nights. Deck 11 houses the Conservatory floral boutique (two stories), the Cosmos Nightclub, the Mast bar, the Extreme Lounge, Dart games, the Fun Factory for youth (a grand play room with a playground and children’s playroom with table tennis, games and more, hip music, etc.). Deck 12, only partial deck houses a basketball court and tennis court only. Deck 14 houses a topless sunbathing deck only.
So the first night of cruise we set sail! Wahoo! There was a Catholic Mass in the morning (sorry Granny I skipped, I am in the 12 step program for recovering Catholics however). I went to the spa and had wonderful skin treatments.
There are some limited shopping and a castle at the port where we are. We have watched many other cruise ships come and go, none as impressive as this one, however they are going and we are not! I played Bingo but missed the many lectures, classes, fruit carving demonstration shuffleboard and table tennis tournaments. I did go to the Champagne Art Auction, won some free art and drank lots of free champagne. We has a formal dinner, met some great people from Ohio and South Africa. I skipped the movie, Brokeback Mountain. After dinner I worked out at the gym, then went to the Casino and won $40 at the slots. We also celebrated Canada Day aboard.
The next day we arrived in Villfranche, in the French Riviera. Here we visited Monaco and Monte Carlo and drove by Nice, and drove by Elton John, Tina Turner, and Bono’s home’s. In Monte Carlo we visited the famous Monte Carol Casino. Monte Carlo is in Monaco, which is a tax-free sovereign state whose territory is surrounded by France. We drove down part of the streets that are used in the famous Formula One Grand Prix. In Monaco we went on a walking tour saw Jacque Casteua’s museum, saw Princess Caroline’s palace and the church where Grace Kelly was married, the Palace of Monaco, and other sites. Villafranche is one of the most charming and unspoiled harbors. This little port village overlooks the Capital Cap Ferrat Peninsula. It has an old world charm and ambience, reminisce of the 14th century. It was a wonderful day!
Shortly after we got back on board we were walking on the ship when we hit the rocks (yes we were still docked). They gave no explanations, and lied about the delay take off having to do with some travelers not getting back on board, when I confronted staff about the giant jolt, the denied saying a lifeboat hit the side (we had to return to ship in the lifeboats and leave on them due to not being able to get the giant ship to shore).
We were supposed to go to Livorno, Italy from there. We did not go here, this is where I had planned my trip to Florence, Tuscany, Pisa and Lucca. I had a wonderful shore excursion booked here. Oh well, we headed straight to Civitavechia, where there is a big port where they could make repairs to the two broken propellers. So to relieve stress I booked another spa day, glorious. I spent the next day on board as we traveled at 10 knots. This day I watched the movie “The Producers” with Matthew Broderick on the on board movie theater. I spent time in the salt-water spas and swam in the pool. I played in the Casino and lost the $40 I had one. I enjoyed music at the piano bar, went to a wine tasting, window shopped at the on board shops, and had a formal dinner in the dinning room. I skipped the Disco party and instead listened to jazz in one of the nightclubs!
Independence Day saw us limping into Civitavchia. I had a wonderful day and believed the promises that the ship would be repaired when we got back. I took an hour bus ride to Rome, Italy’s capital. Within the boundaries of Rome, is Vatican City, an independent state. Vatican City was our first stop. This impressive area of little more than 100 acres is the world’s smallest independent sovereign entity, dating back to pre-Christian times. It is a religious and diplomatic force, which has elevated this tiny state to a position equal of most nations. With a population of 350, it has over 5000 employees. From there we roamed Roam (lol). We saw relics over 2000 years old including the Coliseum, the Forum and Palatine Hill. Most of the famous Baroque artists were creative here and their paintings, statues and architecture abound throughout Rome. Rome’s population is nearly 3 million. I also saw the Arch of Constantine, the Forum, The Pathenon (burial place of painter Raphael), Castel Sant’Angelo, Trevi Fountain and Piazza Di Spagna, where the impressive Spanish steps are.
We arrived back and got our second disappointment of the trip! I stood inline for hours the next night to get on a wait list for bus tours of Florence. Our bus left at 6am we drove and went to Florence and visited Santa Croce built I 1294 in gothic style. It contains the tombs of Michelangelo, Galileo, Ghiberti, Machivelli, Marconi, Dante, Medicci, and Lorenzo. I visited a leather shop in that same church. I walked down to Piazza della Signoria, the City’s largest square and historical and commerce center. The Neptune Fountain was here and the walk to the cafes was fun. Then I walked to Ponte Vecchio where the gold merchants were. This is informally called the golden bridge due to all the gold smiths and shops. I had lunch in the open market, which was fun. I then walked to the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fior, the second largest Cathedral in the World. The building of this gothic style church began in 1926 and took 150 years to complete. I walked its 463 steps for a panoramic view of the city. I then walked to the Baptistry and saw the massive and famous doors; it has three massive bronze gates and panels, quite intricate and impressive. I then returned to the market after seeing the statue of Michelagnelo’s David in front of the Courthouse for some shopping. I then traveled the 4.5 hours back to the ship on the bus with my group!
We were supposed to leave this night for Naples, but again were told give us one more day and all will be well again. We did not make it to Naples. I went back to Rome this day and went to Vatican City and took the subway to Barbarini Square and I went to the Hard Rock Café and saw the US Embassy across the street. I then walked up Via Venetto a main street and saw the famous Harry’s Bar, had the most delicious pizza of my life, crossed in front of the Grand Flora, the headquarters of the Nazi’s in World War II. I stopped at a restaurants favored by locals (much like Margie’s I think) and an old Mom of a waitress made us a great Italian meal. I returned to Barbarini Square took the subway to the Coliseum and walked around the Roman ruins of the Roman Forum, their center of government. I then walked across the Circus Maximus where they had the old chariot races. I then took the subway back to St. Peter’s Square where I had Pizza and beer and shopped until the bus arrived to return us the boat.
Upon arriving back we learned again we were not leaving today but likely tomorrow. (Yeah right!) I woke up and caught a bus to Sorento at 5:45. This is a peaceful resort and traditional holiday center amid beautiful cliff-side gardens with spacious views. I visited a factory where they produce attractive wood inlays and lace worked, as well as a cameo factory where they showed us how cameos were carved from shells. We drove along Amalfi Drive, noted as one of the most spectacular Drives to Europe, stretching along the mountains of the Salerno Coast. Amalfi town was originally an important Maritime Republic and its Cathedral built in 937 AD features a unique grand stairway leading to the beautiful Byzantine façade. I then took the bus to Pompeii. The eruption of Mt. Vesusivus, a still active volcano destroyed this town in 70 A.D. Numerous excavations have unburied the town and it is the best-preserved city of ancient Rome. I saw the remains of the public buildings; walked down the stone streets, saw temples, shops, theaters and public baths as well.
Tomorrow again did not come. I am now writing about today. I slept late, woke had a late wonderful breakfast, and then went to the Spa for my third and final skin treatment. It was lovely. They repainted my nails for free during the treatment. I had lunch aboard later, went swimming, and then went spent some time on the Internet before playing Bingo. After Bingo I walked about, went to dinner, dealt with staff from corporate office, and then went to the Art Gallery before returning here to the Internet. The latest announcement, about 10 minutes ago stated that we were not leaving port and they are now trying to get everyone home. Oh Joy! How they will accommodate two thousand guests is beyond me.
So I sign up for a free charter flight to New York, where they promise they will book us all flights to our home ports (and you see how well they have kept promises up to this point). So I set my alarm for 3 am to get on the 4 am bus to airport to find a note slipped under the door telling me I could have slept in! AUUGHH!! Anyway, we finally left about 8am. Stand in line forever (over 2 hours at the airport), get on the plane, and old DC 10 and flew to New York, still no news on the connecting airflight, which we promised we would have beofre take off, AUUUGH!
We land, and amazingly, Crusie Line Staff are awaiting, they check names and give us connecting flights and let us know if it is more than an 8 hour wait, they have rented rooms in the airport hotel for us to hang out in. I am sure as many have their flight information, that I am out of luck, but I wait and find that I have about 40 mintues to get to my flight! Thank Goodness I had already gone through customs. I head to the right terminal get on the flight, and enjoy the final part of my fanastic trip!
Now this trip was a month or so ago, we were promised vouchers for a new crusie, but I have yet to see it, and when I got home there was a message waiting for me from the Crusie Line telling me to please book my free trip, they apparently forgot I was on one. The mesage was 2 days after the cruise left.
I did discover a great resource while on board, a great blog site, if you are taking a crusie, check this site out, the people on the cruise after us, which was cancelled for ship repairs found out their cruise was cancelled on this site before the Crusie Lines could accuratley answer their questions when called. Here is the website: more on: this trip was some months ago, no word on how to get my new trip I was promised!