Monday, December 01, 2008
Saturday, July 05, 2008
New England Saga Continues
So on Wednesday, I spent the morning packing and saying good bye to my kids. I then went on the train from Vermont to Connecticut. I did no exercise, but did well sticking to diet.
We walked up and then back down a 166 step spiral staircase in the Groton Memorial Monument. The Battle of Groton Heights was a battle of the American Revolutionary War fought on September 6, 1781 between a small Continental Army force led by William Ledyard and the more numerous British forces lead by Benedict Arnold and Lieutenant Colonel Eyre. It resulted in a decisive British victory.
I arrived and my father and his wife picked me up and we went to a wonderful restaurant S & P Oyster Company on the Mystic River by a drawbridge. It was lovely, and despite all the wonderful things on the menu, I had a great salad, it was grilled apples and dried cranberries a top a bed of baby spinach leaves with feta cheese. It was wonderful. Of course I also shared some wonderful oysters a top a bed of delicious seaweed. Yes I said seaweed, and before my diet, I would have ignored the seaweed and just eaten the oysters, but I had two oysters and ate all the seaweed which was very delicious believe it or not.
When we returned to my Dad's house, he and I and his wife sat around chatting till we were ready for bed. It was a great trip, the train was mostly empty. I went to get lunch on the train, and there was a young college age boy ahead of me. As I waited in line the attendant, an older gentleman, chastised the boy, explaining to him what chivalry was, and how he should never let a woman stand in line before him. I smiled and the attendant and I shared as a smile as the boy stood there in confusion, not moving and not seeming to know how to act, it was quite funny.
So, spent the day on Thursday with step mom (10 years younger then me) in Groton and Mystic, Connecticut.

Mystic Seaport is an outdoor maritime Museum that tells the stories of America and the sea. Located on a 40 acre waterfront site in the town of Mystic, Connecticut, the museum exhibits historic tall ships and small boats, a New England
coastal village and extensive collections of art, ship models and artifacts. The museum also offers hands-on activities for children and adults, crafts demonstrations, educational programs and a variety of special events. Mystic Seaport is also the site of current efforts to build a replica of the ship Amistad, a Spanish slave-ship commandeered by 53 Africans who were to be sold into slavery in Cuba. The Charles W. Morgan ship also offers information on the African-Americans and maritime life during the 19th century.

Anyway, both were cool, but oooohh was I wiped out! Back home to a great home cooked meal by step mom (she cooked while I exercised, lol), and a relaxing evening of talking with dad and her. So Friday all day and night and half of Saturday I spent on the train. Once again, I met the neatest people! Oh my calves hurt today, I think it was the 166 steps in the spiral staircase at the Monument we climbed on Thursday, and then sitting and sleeping a little curled up all day and night Friday. Anyway, hopefully some exercise tonight will loosen in all up! Now I am at my Mom's to spend the night before going home tomorrow or Monday (it is only about a 3 hour drive).
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Visiting Vermont
I know you all may be tired of reading my travel stories, feel free to skim. I enjoyed the comments yesterday however, and it is fun to write about. I have done well on keeping to exercise plan, and yesterday, walked a lot as part of our sightseeing. My calorie range has been near the top of the allowed amount of a little over each day. I justify this by sharing they are good wholesome calories. My sister in law makes everything from scratch, half her ingredients are grown in her own yard, the other half bought from the farmers market. She is a wonderful cook. I will be sad to be leaving. Today I leave, but the kids stay behind for another few days, then go to my Dad's in CT.
So, for yesterday, the adventure continued. We went to the Montshire Museum in Norwich VT. The kids had a blast running around learning about science and playing with everything. Then we went for a walk along the walking trail. It was so beautiful and peaceful. We walked 2 miles there, the kids were exhausted by the time we left. But, it was off to the next place.
Our next stop was Quechee Gorge, although we did stop off at this quaint little hometown pizza place along the way. I only had two pieces of plain cheese along with the water me and the boys gulped from our hike. We stopped at Quechee Gorge Village where the boys rode a little train around the village and we visited the toy museum. I saw old dolls from the 1920s, and the curator and I had excited conversations and reminiscences about the metal lunch boxes, sharing which lunch boxes were our favorites, as well as which old television shows we missed. The boys rolled their eyes in embarrassment, but were enthralled with all the star wars toys and the elaborate train sets. Next we visited the blacksmith and the winery, before moving on to the Gorge itself.
The boys were not up to walk again, but, Mommy made them, which they were glad about when they saw everything. First we walked down the trails along the side of the gorge which was breathtakingly beautiful, but you really could not get the effect, so after a 30 minute walk we walked back out to the road and went on the bridge to the middle of the gorge, my oldest shared he realized now he was scared of heights, but he survived. OMG it was beautiful.
Okay, so off again as it began to rain to our next and final stop for the day, Sugarbush Farm. The ride was wonderful! We drove along River Road to Taftsville (apparently selected as one of the top 10 drives in Vermont). On our way to Sugarbush farms we had to drive through an old covered bridge. It was so cool, I felt like I was traveling back in time. We continued on back roads until reaching the farm, where Ms. Betsy shared her family's farming history and showed us how maple syrup was made. We walked around the farm, and while talking to the staff at the maple syrup store ran into someone who had lived in our small hometown in Clewiston, Florida for 21 years. It was amazing. My kids did not get why I thought it was incredible that someone from this small little town in VT not only knew but had lived in our small little town in South Florida. They figured everyone knew where Clewiston was, why would they not, lol.
By this time we were exhausted, so it was back in the car and return to New Hampshire. We returned home to a homemade meal from scratch. We had homemade chicken soup, and a chicken salad sandwich on homemade bread! It was wonderful, and even with a slice of the homemade fudge I had picked up for my in-laws, I stayed within my calorie range. Despite being exhausted, after we had eaten and I had rested a bit, I got up and did all my strength training. Today I travel by train to visit my Dad overnight, then back home to work (traveling by train again).
So, for yesterday, the adventure continued. We went to the Montshire Museum in Norwich VT. The kids had a blast running around learning about science and playing with everything. Then we went for a walk along the walking trail. It was so beautiful and peaceful. We walked 2 miles there, the kids were exhausted by the time we left. But, it was off to the next place.
Our next stop was Quechee Gorge, although we did stop off at this quaint little hometown pizza place along the way. I only had two pieces of plain cheese along with the water me and the boys gulped from our hike. We stopped at Quechee Gorge Village where the boys rode a little train around the village and we visited the toy museum. I saw old dolls from the 1920s, and the curator and I had excited conversations and reminiscences about the metal lunch boxes, sharing which lunch boxes were our favorites, as well as which old television shows we missed. The boys rolled their eyes in embarrassment, but were enthralled with all the star wars toys and the elaborate train sets. Next we visited the blacksmith and the winery, before moving on to the Gorge itself.
The boys were not up to walk again, but, Mommy made them, which they were glad about when they saw everything. First we walked down the trails along the side of the gorge which was breathtakingly beautiful, but you really could not get the effect, so after a 30 minute walk we walked back out to the road and went on the bridge to the middle of the gorge, my oldest shared he realized now he was scared of heights, but he survived. OMG it was beautiful.
Okay, so off again as it began to rain to our next and final stop for the day, Sugarbush Farm. The ride was wonderful! We drove along River Road to Taftsville (apparently selected as one of the top 10 drives in Vermont). On our way to Sugarbush farms we had to drive through an old covered bridge. It was so cool, I felt like I was traveling back in time. We continued on back roads until reaching the farm, where Ms. Betsy shared her family's farming history and showed us how maple syrup was made. We walked around the farm, and while talking to the staff at the maple syrup store ran into someone who had lived in our small hometown in Clewiston, Florida for 21 years. It was amazing. My kids did not get why I thought it was incredible that someone from this small little town in VT not only knew but had lived in our small little town in South Florida. They figured everyone knew where Clewiston was, why would they not, lol.
By this time we were exhausted, so it was back in the car and return to New Hampshire. We returned home to a homemade meal from scratch. We had homemade chicken soup, and a chicken salad sandwich on homemade bread! It was wonderful, and even with a slice of the homemade fudge I had picked up for my in-laws, I stayed within my calorie range. Despite being exhausted, after we had eaten and I had rested a bit, I got up and did all my strength training. Today I travel by train to visit my Dad overnight, then back home to work (traveling by train again).
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
My first train vacation from FL to New England!
What a wonderful vacation. I am having so much fun, but I have to share some stories. I am just so impressed and although I have traveled a lot all over the world, this has been quite a unique trip and it continues to be. Half the fun has just been getting here. I will start with telling you about the train ride.
Me and the kids traveled by train from South Florida to New Hampshire. We met the most exciting and friendly people. I vow to take the time to "enjoy the ride" on the plane and avoid the fast paced stress and cost of air travel.
On the train, I met Barbara. She lives in Miami but was going to her original home in New York. She was looking for someone to play dominoes, so I passed the away the wee morning hours away with her. We played dominoes and she has related she has been traveling trains for years. we played several games and then Bobby woke up and joined us in the dining car to play one with her while I checked on DJ and got the boys their breakfast, then all three of us played one game. We also met Sam who befriended DJ sitting next to him, it was his first time on a train, he was going home to North Carolina from Central Florida. He related that the gas prices and the airline fiasco made him travel by train for the first time. We saw eye to eye on this one. He gave DJ his blanket when he got off the train and wished us well, as DJ has been borrowing it most of the trip, lol. DJ's next friend Craig boarded at the same stop that Sam departed from, (just before daylight), he had been living in NC for 20 years and was going home to New Jersey to visit parents, he related he had been traveling the trains for years as well.
It was his preferred method of traveling due to cost and just the pure sheer fun and the people you meet. The people on the train were wonderful, in the dining car we met lots of nice people and the staff were absolutely wonderful, I loved traveling by train so much I will do it from now on. We felt an instant kinship with the staff. Our train stopped in Richmond VA and we had a wonderful visit there, with a 5 hour lay over we stored our carry-ons and went off for a walk. We walked to Shoney's and had a wonderful lunch, the boys could not understand the waitress when she said water, when I told them what she said they wanted to know what language she was speaking. It was so hard not to laugh! If they only knew how their accents sounded to others.
Our next train was late, and not as cushy, although at least we had plug ins at our seats (which we have not had before so the boys could use all their electronic forms their seats). It did not have a dinning car, only a snack bar, but the kids were happy they got pizza, and we got to meet neat people on this train as well. The seats on this train seemed larger to me though and more comfy, although the boys noticed right away they had no foot rests, something I probably would never have noticed. I also got to read a great fiction book, first book I have read for pure enjoyment in years. I had brought a bible study book and Hillary's "It Takes A Village" to read, but still have not opened them yet, lol.
I'm afraid this old train ride has reinforced my old prejudices however. I thought I was making progress on my opinion of the upper class, but the middle and lower class train travelers, and those traveling by train to rail against the gas prices were so much more real, nicer, friendly and more open and welcoming than any travelers I have met in my years of airline travel. Perhaps I have found a new way to travel, there is little hustle and bustle, and people take time to "enjoy the ride", enjoy life and really live. It is something foreign to airline travelers. There was a comradery amongst us.
Not to mention watching all the wonderful forests, rural towns, and countryside along the way. The towns and store fronts around the tiny train stations were wonderful, in VA there was one little store front along the tracks, looked like an old trading post. It was a mile or so from the station and called the "smashed penny country store", I had to explain to the boys why that was funny. They did not understand how one could "smash" a penny that was already flat, lol. I thought about showing them, but then remembered the sugar train near our house and my fear of them playing near the train tracks and decided it was was best for Bobby just to think I was "dumb Mom". I could just imagine the boys standing to close to the trains as they washed their own pennies being smashed on the railway.
The trip from VA to Boston was still good but not as nice. The train was more cramped. The people were not as friendly, although still much better than fellow air travelers. We got to Boston and found our bags were in New York, lol. We filled out all the paperwork and then went to enjoy a nice breakfast in the fancy Boston train station, much bigger with more amenities than the others we had seen. Then we took the bus to New Hampshire, and again, the people who travel by bus are just so much nicer and friendlier than those who travel by plane. It was a wonderful trip getting here.
I have enjoyed my family while being here, and the weather is so cool. I giggle every time one of them complains of the heat and humidity and invite them to South Florida in August. We sleep with the windows open and the lovely breeze. It is so cool and nice. I cannot get over that my husband's family leaves their doors open, locking only the screen doors so as too keep the fresh breeze going throughout the house. I borrowed the car one day, to pick up our luggage (2 days after we arrived) at the bus station. I was so happy! But was again shocked, my sister in law leaves her car unlocked with the key in the door panel. OMG! There apparently is no crime here, no one worries about it at all. AMAZING. But it is so relaxing, the trees and nature and the people here in the Valley are wonderful!
I am also doing a great job on sticking to my exercise plan, although I have gone over on my calories some days. OMG! Hold on everyone, while on vacation I went shopping for jeans, I AM NOW IN A SIZE 14! WOOOO HOOOO! Today we are taking a day trip to Vermont, cannot wait to tell you about it!
Me and the kids traveled by train from South Florida to New Hampshire. We met the most exciting and friendly people. I vow to take the time to "enjoy the ride" on the plane and avoid the fast paced stress and cost of air travel.
On the train, I met Barbara. She lives in Miami but was going to her original home in New York. She was looking for someone to play dominoes, so I passed the away the wee morning hours away with her. We played dominoes and she has related she has been traveling trains for years. we played several games and then Bobby woke up and joined us in the dining car to play one with her while I checked on DJ and got the boys their breakfast, then all three of us played one game. We also met Sam who befriended DJ sitting next to him, it was his first time on a train, he was going home to North Carolina from Central Florida. He related that the gas prices and the airline fiasco made him travel by train for the first time. We saw eye to eye on this one. He gave DJ his blanket when he got off the train and wished us well, as DJ has been borrowing it most of the trip, lol. DJ's next friend Craig boarded at the same stop that Sam departed from, (just before daylight), he had been living in NC for 20 years and was going home to New Jersey to visit parents, he related he had been traveling the trains for years as well.
It was his preferred method of traveling due to cost and just the pure sheer fun and the people you meet. The people on the train were wonderful, in the dining car we met lots of nice people and the staff were absolutely wonderful, I loved traveling by train so much I will do it from now on. We felt an instant kinship with the staff. Our train stopped in Richmond VA and we had a wonderful visit there, with a 5 hour lay over we stored our carry-ons and went off for a walk. We walked to Shoney's and had a wonderful lunch, the boys could not understand the waitress when she said water, when I told them what she said they wanted to know what language she was speaking. It was so hard not to laugh! If they only knew how their accents sounded to others.
Our next train was late, and not as cushy, although at least we had plug ins at our seats (which we have not had before so the boys could use all their electronic forms their seats). It did not have a dinning car, only a snack bar, but the kids were happy they got pizza, and we got to meet neat people on this train as well. The seats on this train seemed larger to me though and more comfy, although the boys noticed right away they had no foot rests, something I probably would never have noticed. I also got to read a great fiction book, first book I have read for pure enjoyment in years. I had brought a bible study book and Hillary's "It Takes A Village" to read, but still have not opened them yet, lol.
I'm afraid this old train ride has reinforced my old prejudices however. I thought I was making progress on my opinion of the upper class, but the middle and lower class train travelers, and those traveling by train to rail against the gas prices were so much more real, nicer, friendly and more open and welcoming than any travelers I have met in my years of airline travel. Perhaps I have found a new way to travel, there is little hustle and bustle, and people take time to "enjoy the ride", enjoy life and really live. It is something foreign to airline travelers. There was a comradery amongst us.
Not to mention watching all the wonderful forests, rural towns, and countryside along the way. The towns and store fronts around the tiny train stations were wonderful, in VA there was one little store front along the tracks, looked like an old trading post. It was a mile or so from the station and called the "smashed penny country store", I had to explain to the boys why that was funny. They did not understand how one could "smash" a penny that was already flat, lol. I thought about showing them, but then remembered the sugar train near our house and my fear of them playing near the train tracks and decided it was was best for Bobby just to think I was "dumb Mom". I could just imagine the boys standing to close to the trains as they washed their own pennies being smashed on the railway.
The trip from VA to Boston was still good but not as nice. The train was more cramped. The people were not as friendly, although still much better than fellow air travelers. We got to Boston and found our bags were in New York, lol. We filled out all the paperwork and then went to enjoy a nice breakfast in the fancy Boston train station, much bigger with more amenities than the others we had seen. Then we took the bus to New Hampshire, and again, the people who travel by bus are just so much nicer and friendlier than those who travel by plane. It was a wonderful trip getting here.
I have enjoyed my family while being here, and the weather is so cool. I giggle every time one of them complains of the heat and humidity and invite them to South Florida in August. We sleep with the windows open and the lovely breeze. It is so cool and nice. I cannot get over that my husband's family leaves their doors open, locking only the screen doors so as too keep the fresh breeze going throughout the house. I borrowed the car one day, to pick up our luggage (2 days after we arrived) at the bus station. I was so happy! But was again shocked, my sister in law leaves her car unlocked with the key in the door panel. OMG! There apparently is no crime here, no one worries about it at all. AMAZING. But it is so relaxing, the trees and nature and the people here in the Valley are wonderful!
I am also doing a great job on sticking to my exercise plan, although I have gone over on my calories some days. OMG! Hold on everyone, while on vacation I went shopping for jeans, I AM NOW IN A SIZE 14! WOOOO HOOOO! Today we are taking a day trip to Vermont, cannot wait to tell you about it!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Take action for NOW!
Support International Women's Health Services
Restore funds for the United Nations Population Fund
Millions of girls and women around the world are suffering and many are dying due to deplorable reproductive-related health services and they need our help.
Action Needed:
Contact your senators and tell them to join Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) in sponsoring and supporting the United Nations Population Fund Restoration Act of 2008 (S. 2682). This legislation will provide funding to the United Nations Population Fund in order to distribute medical equipment, establish maternal health services, distribute contraceptives, and promote the abandonment of female genital mutilation and child marriage worldwide.
Women around the world should be able to have children and raise their families without the fear of disability, suffering, and death. A woman's right to safe and sufficient health services is a human right. All women should be able to live healthy lives and enjoy their sexuality and child bearing years free from forced pregnancies and the dread of disease and death.
Take Action NOW
Women in poverty, especially those living in developing countries, suffer disproportionately from unintended and forced pregnancies, maternal death and disability, and sexually transmitted diseases. More than 500,000 women worldwide die during childbirth and 10 million women experience serious complications from pregnancy, including obstetric fistula, annually. Every year 3 million girls face female genital mutilation and cutting. Women around the world want to use safe and effective family planning methods, but they cannot because they do not have access to health care services and family planning information. U.S foreign aid has historically supported these health care and family planning services and provisions as important tools to help people and nations rise from poverty.
Since 2002, the Bush Administration has suspended U.S. contributions to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), succumbing to right wing pressure and allegations that the organizations receiving these family planning funds helped to provide abortions to China. This suspension persisted despite findings that there is no evidence to support the statement about China.
The legislation will reinstate these funds which will be used to:
provide medicine and supplies to ensure safe childbirth and emergency obstetric care
make contraceptives available to prevent unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS
establish maternal health services in areas that lack them
promote the reduction and abandonment of genital mutilation and cutting as well as child marriage
Take Action NOW
Contact your Senators TODAY and let them know that it is time to stop playing partisan, fundamentalist politics with women's lives around the world. They must support this bill.
SUPPORT NOW:Support NOW's Work for Equal Rights Join NOW Monthly Giving Catalog Shop Amazon
TAKE ACTION:Get Involved Find Your Nearest Chapter Tell a Friend Learn More
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Restore funds for the United Nations Population Fund
Millions of girls and women around the world are suffering and many are dying due to deplorable reproductive-related health services and they need our help.
Action Needed:
Contact your senators and tell them to join Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) in sponsoring and supporting the United Nations Population Fund Restoration Act of 2008 (S. 2682). This legislation will provide funding to the United Nations Population Fund in order to distribute medical equipment, establish maternal health services, distribute contraceptives, and promote the abandonment of female genital mutilation and child marriage worldwide.
Women around the world should be able to have children and raise their families without the fear of disability, suffering, and death. A woman's right to safe and sufficient health services is a human right. All women should be able to live healthy lives and enjoy their sexuality and child bearing years free from forced pregnancies and the dread of disease and death.
Take Action NOW
Women in poverty, especially those living in developing countries, suffer disproportionately from unintended and forced pregnancies, maternal death and disability, and sexually transmitted diseases. More than 500,000 women worldwide die during childbirth and 10 million women experience serious complications from pregnancy, including obstetric fistula, annually. Every year 3 million girls face female genital mutilation and cutting. Women around the world want to use safe and effective family planning methods, but they cannot because they do not have access to health care services and family planning information. U.S foreign aid has historically supported these health care and family planning services and provisions as important tools to help people and nations rise from poverty.
Since 2002, the Bush Administration has suspended U.S. contributions to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), succumbing to right wing pressure and allegations that the organizations receiving these family planning funds helped to provide abortions to China. This suspension persisted despite findings that there is no evidence to support the statement about China.
The legislation will reinstate these funds which will be used to:
provide medicine and supplies to ensure safe childbirth and emergency obstetric care
make contraceptives available to prevent unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS
establish maternal health services in areas that lack them
promote the reduction and abandonment of genital mutilation and cutting as well as child marriage
Take Action NOW
Contact your Senators TODAY and let them know that it is time to stop playing partisan, fundamentalist politics with women's lives around the world. They must support this bill.
SUPPORT NOW:Support NOW's Work for Equal Rights Join NOW Monthly Giving Catalog Shop Amazon
TAKE ACTION:Get Involved Find Your Nearest Chapter Tell a Friend Learn More
LISTS:Unsubscribe, Edit Profile Subscribe All Lists
Monday, June 02, 2008
Being active
Being active can relate to many different things, all of which I think are really important. I thought I would take a minute to share them.
Being active can relate to getting involved politically. In watching the news, it seems young people are more active politically than generations before. They talk more about issues, blog more, research more and vote more. I was involved in College Democrats when in College and am currently the treasurer for our small town Democrat association. I have been concerned about our Sheriff, and thus have taken a very active roll in the election coming up and have interviewed personally the candidates running, questioning them intently on what I think needs to be done!
It can also relate to being active socially. I am the social action coordinator for the Women's group at my church. I have volunteered in New Orleans with Samaritan's Purse. I also have volunteered locally for our City Clean Up day, and speak regularly to local groups about donating and volunteering to organizations I am involved in. I participate in blogs write letters for Women's Issues, Social Work Issues, and others.
It may also relate to being an active member of your family. As a parent I serve on the PTO. The teachers, principals and coaches that work with my kids all know me on first name basis and talk with me regularly about my children's needs and progresses.
You also have to be active financially. Especially in today's economy. I read an article that suggested the following technique. I have to admit, I have not done it really well. It suggests that you make yourself live off 80% of your income. 10% you give away, either to a church or a charity of your choice. 10% you save in a long term savings account, one that you don't touch for years. I do good with the first part, but the savings, I struggle with. I used to live on a lot less and in a lower standard, so I know it is possible to do, it is a matter of priorities however, and our society seems focused on possessions, so what is more important?
Then of course there is being active about your health. Take vitamins, make sure you eat healthy. Get exercise, do routine and preventive care, including physical, dental, optical, etc. Watch your diet. Is what your eating healthy, do you know the ingredients? This is an area, that until I joined Spark People, I did not do at all, I was active about my family's health but not mine. I knew what to do, just was not motivated to do it.
In Spark People's "30 days to an active life style" it suggests we "Drive away from the drive-thru. Whether you're at the bank, pharmacy, or fast food joint, you already spend enough time in your car. Park and run inside to complete your errands instead of waiting in the line of cars." That is a great idea, but today, I did one better and walked to my dental appointment, about 1 mile from my house. I also have been doing a lot around the house, that I always used to be too tired to do. I have been doing 15 minutes a day of work in my yard and 15 minutes a day of house cleaning. My house is cleaner than normal and my yards are starting to look good, and I have more energy!
Being active can relate to getting involved politically. In watching the news, it seems young people are more active politically than generations before. They talk more about issues, blog more, research more and vote more. I was involved in College Democrats when in College and am currently the treasurer for our small town Democrat association. I have been concerned about our Sheriff, and thus have taken a very active roll in the election coming up and have interviewed personally the candidates running, questioning them intently on what I think needs to be done!
It can also relate to being active socially. I am the social action coordinator for the Women's group at my church. I have volunteered in New Orleans with Samaritan's Purse. I also have volunteered locally for our City Clean Up day, and speak regularly to local groups about donating and volunteering to organizations I am involved in. I participate in blogs write letters for Women's Issues, Social Work Issues, and others.
It may also relate to being an active member of your family. As a parent I serve on the PTO. The teachers, principals and coaches that work with my kids all know me on first name basis and talk with me regularly about my children's needs and progresses.
You also have to be active financially. Especially in today's economy. I read an article that suggested the following technique. I have to admit, I have not done it really well. It suggests that you make yourself live off 80% of your income. 10% you give away, either to a church or a charity of your choice. 10% you save in a long term savings account, one that you don't touch for years. I do good with the first part, but the savings, I struggle with. I used to live on a lot less and in a lower standard, so I know it is possible to do, it is a matter of priorities however, and our society seems focused on possessions, so what is more important?
Then of course there is being active about your health. Take vitamins, make sure you eat healthy. Get exercise, do routine and preventive care, including physical, dental, optical, etc. Watch your diet. Is what your eating healthy, do you know the ingredients? This is an area, that until I joined Spark People, I did not do at all, I was active about my family's health but not mine. I knew what to do, just was not motivated to do it.
In Spark People's "30 days to an active life style" it suggests we "Drive away from the drive-thru. Whether you're at the bank, pharmacy, or fast food joint, you already spend enough time in your car. Park and run inside to complete your errands instead of waiting in the line of cars." That is a great idea, but today, I did one better and walked to my dental appointment, about 1 mile from my house. I also have been doing a lot around the house, that I always used to be too tired to do. I have been doing 15 minutes a day of work in my yard and 15 minutes a day of house cleaning. My house is cleaner than normal and my yards are starting to look good, and I have more energy!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Immokalee Farm Workers and Burger King
Congratulations – we did it! The Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) announced Friday that, after a prolonged and often heated campaign, the second-largest burger chain has agreed to pay farm workers an extra 1.5 cents per pound of tomatoes picked, the equivalent of a 71 percent increase in wages. Watch the press conference on Capitol Hill.
This agreement was reached after a large coalition of faith and labor groups, including Sojourners, started targeting the company with letters and boycotts. In fact, since last June more than 25,000 Sojourners activists like you sent more than 125,000 letters to Burger King executives.
Burger King is the last of the three largest fast-food companies to agree to the pay increase, following McDonald’s and Yum Brands, which owns Taco Bell. The agreement also includes a pledge that Burger King will have zero tolerance for growers in its supply chain that act unlawfully – a good precaution, given that some in south Florida have been indicted for holding tomato pickers in literal slavery.
Burger King’s agreement is a long-awaited victory that comes after a year in which they unconscionably stalled and obstructed other companies from coming on board. Burger King made $2.23 billion in profits in 2007 – and, in the end, the company estimated that its tomato justice agreement will cost just $300,000 annually.
This agreement is a step toward fair labor practices for farm workers across our country, and an example to all companies that have exploitative policies in need of change.
Thank you for your action! Citizen advocacy makes a difference.
In gratitude,
Elizabeth, Kaitlin, Kevin, and the rest of the team at Sojourners
This agreement was reached after a large coalition of faith and labor groups, including Sojourners, started targeting the company with letters and boycotts. In fact, since last June more than 25,000 Sojourners activists like you sent more than 125,000 letters to Burger King executives.
Burger King is the last of the three largest fast-food companies to agree to the pay increase, following McDonald’s and Yum Brands, which owns Taco Bell. The agreement also includes a pledge that Burger King will have zero tolerance for growers in its supply chain that act unlawfully – a good precaution, given that some in south Florida have been indicted for holding tomato pickers in literal slavery.
Burger King’s agreement is a long-awaited victory that comes after a year in which they unconscionably stalled and obstructed other companies from coming on board. Burger King made $2.23 billion in profits in 2007 – and, in the end, the company estimated that its tomato justice agreement will cost just $300,000 annually.
This agreement is a step toward fair labor practices for farm workers across our country, and an example to all companies that have exploitative policies in need of change.
Thank you for your action! Citizen advocacy makes a difference.
In gratitude,
Elizabeth, Kaitlin, Kevin, and the rest of the team at Sojourners
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Protect Utah's Wild Canyos
Protect Utah's Wild Canyons
Utah's canyon country is legendary, and some of the most cherished canyons are Nine Mile, Desolation and Jack Canyon, all part of the West Tavaputs Plateau where the BLM plans to drill more than 800 gas wells. This ill-conceived plan would put in harm's way sensitive wilderness areas and one of the largest rock art sites in the world. This area needs protection, not more drilling.
This is your chance to tell them that you don't want to see wilderness and cultural resources in this area spoiled by natural gas drilling. Comments must be submitted by May 1, 2008 and you can use the sample letter below adding any additional comments as you see fit.
Sample Letter for CampaignSubject: West Tavaputs Plateau Natural Gas Full Field Development Plan DEIS
Dear [ Decision Maker ] ,
I am writing to voice my strong opposition to the West Tavaputs Plateau natural gas development project. This project will have significant, long-term impacts to the Desolation and Jack Canyon wilderness study areas and wilderness inventory areas. Nearly 200 wells will be drilled in these remarkable wilderness quality areas - lands that the BLM itself has recognized as part of a larger complex of wild lands comprising a large block of roadless BLM public lands. In addition, the sight and sound of the proposed development will be evident from Desolation Canyon and many of its tributaries.
I am also deeply worried that the proposed project will have significant, long-lasting impacts to the unique and important cultural resources in the Nine Mile Canyon region. The company is proposing several non-federal wells in Nine Mile Canyon itself, along with dozens if not hundreds of wells in side canyons and other public lands being considered for designation as a National Historic District. Natural gas development at the levels and places proposed by Bill Barrett Corporation will have serious, if not irreparable, consequences for these fragile resources.
I urge the BLM to fully consider and analyze an alternative that designates the Desolation Canyon and Jack Canyon wilderness inventory areas as "wilderness study areas" under FLPMA, and also consider other ways to protect the wilderness values of these areas. Before authorizing more drilling, the BLM must go back and take a hard look at impacts to the area's amazing cultural resources, such as increased dust and noise, and consider ways to prevent them, under NEPA.
The BLM should adopt the no action alternative. The loss of Wilderness quality landscapes and cultural sites is simply too great to permit this project to go forward as proposed.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Campaign Launched:April 28, 2008
Background Information
The West Tavaputs Plateau is about 30 miles northeast of Price, Utah. The project area is bounded on three sides by natural features – on the west by Sheep Canyon, on the north by Nine Mile Canyon, and on the east by the Green River. Within and surrounding the project area are some of the most wild and culturally important lands that Utah has to offer.
Desolation Canyon is over 200,000 acres, including both a Wilderness Inventory Area and Wilderness Study Area, meaning that the BLM has recognized that is can be designated as wilderness by Congress. The area contains a wide range of topography from river bottoms to mesa tops and an abundant diversity of vegetation and wildlife. The Green River carves its way through Desolation Canyon and is popular with rafters. The area also offers excellent recreational opportunities, providing a true backcountry experience because of its remoteness. To learn more about the area check out the BLM's 1999 wilderness inventory (
Jack Canyon offers scenic views of vast canyons and the surrounding landscape. It consists primarily of juniper and piƱon woodlands and includes Jack Creek, a tributary of the Green River. As with Desolation Canyon, Jack Canyon also offers excellent opportunities for enjoying a sense of solitude and wildness.To learn more about the area check out the BLM's 1999 wilderness inventory (
Nine Mile Canyon, which is actually over 40 miles long,is recognized by the BLM as having extensive cultural artifacts. There are over 10,000 individual petroglyphs and pictographs made primarily by the Fremont and Ute Indian cultures. The Canyon was included on the National Trust for Historic Preservation's list of America's Eleven Most Endangered Historic Places in 2004. More information about Nine Mile Canyon can be found at
BLM and Bill Barrett Corporation's (BBC) contractor have prepared a draft environmental impact statement to analyze the impacts from a massive natural gas development project to wilderness, cultural sites, wildlife, and a number of other important resources. The BLM is considering a BBC proposal to drill over 800 natural gas wells (from 500+ sites) in the West Tavaputs Plateau area.
BBC has proposed at least 171 wells on BLM lands in Desolation Canyon and Jack Canyon WIAs alone, along with 33 wells on BLM lands in the Desolation Canyon and Jack Canyon Wilderness Study Areas. While no federal wells are proposed in Nine Mile Canyon itself, there are gas wells being proposed in sensitive side canyons to Nine Mile. This would cause devastating damage to the petroglyphs as a recent study showed that there was a direct link between truck traffic in the area and the deterioration of the petroglyphs. More information can be found at
Written comments should be sent to:Bureau of Land Management Price Field OfficeAttn: West Tavaputs Plateau Natural Gas Full Field Development Plan DEIS125 South 600 WestPrice, UT 84501
Electronic comments should be emailed
Comments may also be faxed to:(435) 636-3657
Utah's canyon country is legendary, and some of the most cherished canyons are Nine Mile, Desolation and Jack Canyon, all part of the West Tavaputs Plateau where the BLM plans to drill more than 800 gas wells. This ill-conceived plan would put in harm's way sensitive wilderness areas and one of the largest rock art sites in the world. This area needs protection, not more drilling.
This is your chance to tell them that you don't want to see wilderness and cultural resources in this area spoiled by natural gas drilling. Comments must be submitted by May 1, 2008 and you can use the sample letter below adding any additional comments as you see fit.
Sample Letter for CampaignSubject: West Tavaputs Plateau Natural Gas Full Field Development Plan DEIS
Dear [ Decision Maker ] ,
I am writing to voice my strong opposition to the West Tavaputs Plateau natural gas development project. This project will have significant, long-term impacts to the Desolation and Jack Canyon wilderness study areas and wilderness inventory areas. Nearly 200 wells will be drilled in these remarkable wilderness quality areas - lands that the BLM itself has recognized as part of a larger complex of wild lands comprising a large block of roadless BLM public lands. In addition, the sight and sound of the proposed development will be evident from Desolation Canyon and many of its tributaries.
I am also deeply worried that the proposed project will have significant, long-lasting impacts to the unique and important cultural resources in the Nine Mile Canyon region. The company is proposing several non-federal wells in Nine Mile Canyon itself, along with dozens if not hundreds of wells in side canyons and other public lands being considered for designation as a National Historic District. Natural gas development at the levels and places proposed by Bill Barrett Corporation will have serious, if not irreparable, consequences for these fragile resources.
I urge the BLM to fully consider and analyze an alternative that designates the Desolation Canyon and Jack Canyon wilderness inventory areas as "wilderness study areas" under FLPMA, and also consider other ways to protect the wilderness values of these areas. Before authorizing more drilling, the BLM must go back and take a hard look at impacts to the area's amazing cultural resources, such as increased dust and noise, and consider ways to prevent them, under NEPA.
The BLM should adopt the no action alternative. The loss of Wilderness quality landscapes and cultural sites is simply too great to permit this project to go forward as proposed.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Campaign Launched:April 28, 2008
Background Information
The West Tavaputs Plateau is about 30 miles northeast of Price, Utah. The project area is bounded on three sides by natural features – on the west by Sheep Canyon, on the north by Nine Mile Canyon, and on the east by the Green River. Within and surrounding the project area are some of the most wild and culturally important lands that Utah has to offer.
Desolation Canyon is over 200,000 acres, including both a Wilderness Inventory Area and Wilderness Study Area, meaning that the BLM has recognized that is can be designated as wilderness by Congress. The area contains a wide range of topography from river bottoms to mesa tops and an abundant diversity of vegetation and wildlife. The Green River carves its way through Desolation Canyon and is popular with rafters. The area also offers excellent recreational opportunities, providing a true backcountry experience because of its remoteness. To learn more about the area check out the BLM's 1999 wilderness inventory (
Jack Canyon offers scenic views of vast canyons and the surrounding landscape. It consists primarily of juniper and piƱon woodlands and includes Jack Creek, a tributary of the Green River. As with Desolation Canyon, Jack Canyon also offers excellent opportunities for enjoying a sense of solitude and wildness.To learn more about the area check out the BLM's 1999 wilderness inventory (
Nine Mile Canyon, which is actually over 40 miles long,is recognized by the BLM as having extensive cultural artifacts. There are over 10,000 individual petroglyphs and pictographs made primarily by the Fremont and Ute Indian cultures. The Canyon was included on the National Trust for Historic Preservation's list of America's Eleven Most Endangered Historic Places in 2004. More information about Nine Mile Canyon can be found at
BLM and Bill Barrett Corporation's (BBC) contractor have prepared a draft environmental impact statement to analyze the impacts from a massive natural gas development project to wilderness, cultural sites, wildlife, and a number of other important resources. The BLM is considering a BBC proposal to drill over 800 natural gas wells (from 500+ sites) in the West Tavaputs Plateau area.
BBC has proposed at least 171 wells on BLM lands in Desolation Canyon and Jack Canyon WIAs alone, along with 33 wells on BLM lands in the Desolation Canyon and Jack Canyon Wilderness Study Areas. While no federal wells are proposed in Nine Mile Canyon itself, there are gas wells being proposed in sensitive side canyons to Nine Mile. This would cause devastating damage to the petroglyphs as a recent study showed that there was a direct link between truck traffic in the area and the deterioration of the petroglyphs. More information can be found at
Written comments should be sent to:Bureau of Land Management Price Field OfficeAttn: West Tavaputs Plateau Natural Gas Full Field Development Plan DEIS125 South 600 WestPrice, UT 84501
Electronic comments should be emailed
Comments may also be faxed to:(435) 636-3657
Are We a Family-Friendly Nation? - MSN Lifestyle - Family & Parenting
Are We a Family-Friendly Nation? - MSN Lifestyle - Family & Parenting
This is a great article. Check it out!
This is a great article. Check it out!
Glades County Hometown Hero!
Local Forestry Firefighter Wins National Award
Glades County Senior Ranger Danny Callahan has been honored for his distinguished service in wildland fire prevention. Callahan took home the 2007 Robert E. Browning Award, which is given by the US Forest Service Southern Region and is the only national award of its kind. The award is named for the late Robert E. Browning, who gave his life on Storm King Mountain in Colorado. Browning was one of 14 firefighters, and the only Southerner, killed during a blowup of the fire on July 6, 1994. This fire is considered to be one of the greatest tragedies in the annals of firefighting.
The Browning Award is given annually to the person who has done an outstanding job with prevention activities during the course of the year. Danny is most deserving of this honor, says Jim Rath, Okeechobee District Manager. Danny shows exemplary leadership in promoting and developing community relationships. He also is a great leader in forging partnerships with other agencies to accomplish fire prevention efforts.
Danny Callahan said, I was shocked when I found out that I was nominated. Im most grateful for this recognition, and Id like to thank everyone for their support because this award belongs to the residents of Glades County. I really believe that fire prevention can save lives and homes. Danny Callahan received a statue and a certificate in recognition of his achievement.
Picture: from Right to Left: Ira Jolly- Chief of Forest Protection, Danny Callahan- Glades County Senior Ranger, Jim Rath- Okeechobee District Manager & Tim Elder- Highlands/Glades Forest Area Supervisor
Anyone needing additional information may contact the local Division of Forestry at 772-260-0053
(St. Lucie, Indian River, Martin, Okeechobee Counties) 863-655-6407 (Highlands and Glades Counties).
Please visit our website at
Glades County Senior Ranger Danny Callahan has been honored for his distinguished service in wildland fire prevention. Callahan took home the 2007 Robert E. Browning Award, which is given by the US Forest Service Southern Region and is the only national award of its kind. The award is named for the late Robert E. Browning, who gave his life on Storm King Mountain in Colorado. Browning was one of 14 firefighters, and the only Southerner, killed during a blowup of the fire on July 6, 1994. This fire is considered to be one of the greatest tragedies in the annals of firefighting.
The Browning Award is given annually to the person who has done an outstanding job with prevention activities during the course of the year. Danny is most deserving of this honor, says Jim Rath, Okeechobee District Manager. Danny shows exemplary leadership in promoting and developing community relationships. He also is a great leader in forging partnerships with other agencies to accomplish fire prevention efforts.
Danny Callahan said, I was shocked when I found out that I was nominated. Im most grateful for this recognition, and Id like to thank everyone for their support because this award belongs to the residents of Glades County. I really believe that fire prevention can save lives and homes. Danny Callahan received a statue and a certificate in recognition of his achievement.
Picture: from Right to Left: Ira Jolly- Chief of Forest Protection, Danny Callahan- Glades County Senior Ranger, Jim Rath- Okeechobee District Manager & Tim Elder- Highlands/Glades Forest Area Supervisor
Anyone needing additional information may contact the local Division of Forestry at 772-260-0053
(St. Lucie, Indian River, Martin, Okeechobee Counties) 863-655-6407 (Highlands and Glades Counties).
Please visit our website at
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Matthew Kelly Quote
When you stand still, you reject the struggle, and you refuse to change and grow. Ultimately, you reject fulfillment, happiness, the dance for joy and everything else that is eternally good. - Matthew Kelly, classical actor and game show host
This is so true, and I can use my life as a perfect example of this. Some of the challenges I have faced, having a heart attack during child birth, parents divorcing, and more have also been the catalysts for my greatest achievements and life changes.
This is so true, and I can use my life as a perfect example of this. Some of the challenges I have faced, having a heart attack during child birth, parents divorcing, and more have also been the catalysts for my greatest achievements and life changes.
Monday, May 19, 2008
United Way Retools!
D.C.-Area Nonprofits Fear Loss of Funding as United Way Retools
The recent announcement that the United Way of America will refocus its giving on education, income, and health has stirred anxieties among Washington, D.C.-area arts organizations and other nonprofits that their funding could be cut, the Washington Post reports.
While the United Way of the National Capital Area already allocates much of its discretionary funding to the areas recently targeted by the United Way of America, it also distributes gifts to arts organizations and other nonprofits that may fall outside the new core areas. Most of the money raised by UWNCA through workplace campaigns and private donations is earmarked by donors for specific nonprofits — a practice the organization plans to continue as it works to increase the amount it raises through unrestricted gifts.
Jennifer Cover Payne, president of the Cultural Alliance of Greater Washington, said the new national initiative could cause problems for arts groups that have relied on local United Way affiliates. "The first thing that usually is dismissed are the arts when there are any new funding initiatives or when there is a challenge with funding initiatives," said Payne. "People are not educated to understand...the reach of the arts in the community."
While the national United Way sets the agenda for its thirteen hundred affiliates, the local organizations set their own giving priorities and have promised to work with donors and nonprofits to ease the transition. Charles W. Anderson, president and CEO of UWNCA, said his agency will move slowly and carefully toward fully supporting the new priority areas. "You can't pull the rug out from under agencies that are doing good work in other areas," he said. "[But] as time progresses, more and more dollars will go in those [priority] areas as we are able to share with people measurable outcomes to show people that their investments in United Way are working."
Rucker, Philip. “D.C. Area Nonprofits Fear Loss of Funding As United Way Retools.” Washington Post 5/16/08.
The recent announcement that the United Way of America will refocus its giving on education, income, and health has stirred anxieties among Washington, D.C.-area arts organizations and other nonprofits that their funding could be cut, the Washington Post reports.
While the United Way of the National Capital Area already allocates much of its discretionary funding to the areas recently targeted by the United Way of America, it also distributes gifts to arts organizations and other nonprofits that may fall outside the new core areas. Most of the money raised by UWNCA through workplace campaigns and private donations is earmarked by donors for specific nonprofits — a practice the organization plans to continue as it works to increase the amount it raises through unrestricted gifts.
Jennifer Cover Payne, president of the Cultural Alliance of Greater Washington, said the new national initiative could cause problems for arts groups that have relied on local United Way affiliates. "The first thing that usually is dismissed are the arts when there are any new funding initiatives or when there is a challenge with funding initiatives," said Payne. "People are not educated to understand...the reach of the arts in the community."
While the national United Way sets the agenda for its thirteen hundred affiliates, the local organizations set their own giving priorities and have promised to work with donors and nonprofits to ease the transition. Charles W. Anderson, president and CEO of UWNCA, said his agency will move slowly and carefully toward fully supporting the new priority areas. "You can't pull the rug out from under agencies that are doing good work in other areas," he said. "[But] as time progresses, more and more dollars will go in those [priority] areas as we are able to share with people measurable outcomes to show people that their investments in United Way are working."
Rucker, Philip. “D.C. Area Nonprofits Fear Loss of Funding As United Way Retools.” Washington Post 5/16/08.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Republicans Block Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
Republicans Block Ledbetter Fair Pay Act -- But it's Not Over! Write Your Senators Today!
Wednesday night, Senate Republicans blocked the Fair Pay Restoration Act from moving to an up or down vote. We were just three votes shy of the 60 votes needed to stop the Republican filibuster and actually hold a vote on the bill -- but it's not over! Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has signaled that he will bring this civil rights legislation up again, as soon as we find 3 more Republicans brave enough to support women's pay equity.
Thanks to you and other NOW supporters, tens of thousands of calls and letters poured into the Senate. We garnered an impressive 57 votes -- and we can grow that number to 60 with your help.
Take Action:
Please write to your senators today. Our online system will tell you whether your senator voted YES for fair pay, or NO to continue blocking the vote. Our pre-drafted letter to YES voters will encourage them to lobby their colleagues across the aisle, and NO voters will be admonished for failing to support fair pay. We encourage you to edit these letters and personalize them with your own story or reasons for supporting fair pay. NEVADA please note: As Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid had to vote NO in order to position himself to bring the bill up again in the future (one of those wacky procedural quirks of our legislative branch). If Reid is your senator, please make sure your message thanks him for his support and leadership on this bill.
Write NOW.
It is significant to note that six Republicans voted yes, and of those six, four of them have tough reelection races this year, facing strong, progressive challengers. In an attempt to keep their seats, these senators may have voted yes in order to appeal to much-needed moderate voters, but they failed to bring along enough of their colleagues to make their votes truly meaningful. We also have no commitment that they will actually vote yes on the main bill when it does finally come up for a vote.
If your senator is: Norm Coleman (Minn.), Susan Collins (Maine), Gordon Smith (Ore.), or John Sununu (N.H.), let them know that this vote was just the beginning of the effort to restore fair pay, and add: "In addition, I urge you to encourage your colleagues to support the Fair Pay Act so that the bill can come to the floor for a vote and your support will be truly meaningful."
Write to your senators NOW.
The Fair Pay Act is really quite simple, and it does nothing new. It just gives women back the rights that the Supreme Court took away from them.
Last year the Supreme Court sharply limited the ability of women who have suffered pay discrimination to seek back pay and other compensation. Immediately after the Court denied Lilly Ledbetter's claim for pay discrimination in May 2007, the House of Representatives passed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.
The Fair Pay Act will fix the Court's misinterpretation of Title VII and ensure that pay discrimination victims get their fair day in court. This Act will simply return us to the longstanding rule that treated each and every discriminatory paycheck as a new act of discrimination.
It's sad enough that women are still only paid 77 cents or less to men's dollar, even though civil rights laws banned wage discrimination over four decades ago. The Supreme Court's decision could push back much of the progress that women have been making in closing the wage gap.
That's why the Republican filibuster must end. The House passed the Fair Pay Act nearly a year ago, and we cannot let Senate Republicans sweep it under the rug.
Wednesday night, Senate Republicans blocked the Fair Pay Restoration Act from moving to an up or down vote. We were just three votes shy of the 60 votes needed to stop the Republican filibuster and actually hold a vote on the bill -- but it's not over! Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has signaled that he will bring this civil rights legislation up again, as soon as we find 3 more Republicans brave enough to support women's pay equity.
Thanks to you and other NOW supporters, tens of thousands of calls and letters poured into the Senate. We garnered an impressive 57 votes -- and we can grow that number to 60 with your help.
Take Action:
Please write to your senators today. Our online system will tell you whether your senator voted YES for fair pay, or NO to continue blocking the vote. Our pre-drafted letter to YES voters will encourage them to lobby their colleagues across the aisle, and NO voters will be admonished for failing to support fair pay. We encourage you to edit these letters and personalize them with your own story or reasons for supporting fair pay. NEVADA please note: As Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid had to vote NO in order to position himself to bring the bill up again in the future (one of those wacky procedural quirks of our legislative branch). If Reid is your senator, please make sure your message thanks him for his support and leadership on this bill.
Write NOW.
It is significant to note that six Republicans voted yes, and of those six, four of them have tough reelection races this year, facing strong, progressive challengers. In an attempt to keep their seats, these senators may have voted yes in order to appeal to much-needed moderate voters, but they failed to bring along enough of their colleagues to make their votes truly meaningful. We also have no commitment that they will actually vote yes on the main bill when it does finally come up for a vote.
If your senator is: Norm Coleman (Minn.), Susan Collins (Maine), Gordon Smith (Ore.), or John Sununu (N.H.), let them know that this vote was just the beginning of the effort to restore fair pay, and add: "In addition, I urge you to encourage your colleagues to support the Fair Pay Act so that the bill can come to the floor for a vote and your support will be truly meaningful."
Write to your senators NOW.
The Fair Pay Act is really quite simple, and it does nothing new. It just gives women back the rights that the Supreme Court took away from them.
Last year the Supreme Court sharply limited the ability of women who have suffered pay discrimination to seek back pay and other compensation. Immediately after the Court denied Lilly Ledbetter's claim for pay discrimination in May 2007, the House of Representatives passed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.
The Fair Pay Act will fix the Court's misinterpretation of Title VII and ensure that pay discrimination victims get their fair day in court. This Act will simply return us to the longstanding rule that treated each and every discriminatory paycheck as a new act of discrimination.
It's sad enough that women are still only paid 77 cents or less to men's dollar, even though civil rights laws banned wage discrimination over four decades ago. The Supreme Court's decision could push back much of the progress that women have been making in closing the wage gap.
That's why the Republican filibuster must end. The House passed the Fair Pay Act nearly a year ago, and we cannot let Senate Republicans sweep it under the rug.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Congrats to Hillary
The National Organization for Women Political Action Committee (NOW PAC) congratulates Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton on her strong win in the Democratic primary in Pennsylvania. NOW PAC is proud to have played a part in educating voters and getting them to the polls on April 22.
When NOW PAC endorsed Senator Clinton more than a year ago, we set out to reach the widest audience possible of potential voters, using on-the-ground and online organizing. The tools of the Internet have been critical, especially given a mainstream media environment that's been far less favorable to Clinton. Politico's co-founders, two Washington Post veterans, acknowledged this unbalanced treatment, saying: "the Clintonites are fundamentally correct in their complaint that she has been flying throughout this campaign into a headwind of media favoritism for Obama," and conceding that both Obama and John McCain "have been beneficiaries of media cheerleading."
In spite of this challenge, Clinton supporters have been spreading the word about her experience, her accomplishments, her positions on the issues, and her message of equality for all.
NOW PAC launched its "Make History with Hillary" website back in March 2007, and it's been growing ever since. In the lead up to the Pennsylvania primary, NOW PAC purchased numerous web ads to invite people to our site--with great success. In just the last three weeks, our ads have been shown to millions of people, and the traffic on our NOW PAC Hillary website has tripled.
NOW PAC has coupled this online strategy with our traditional grassroots tactics, pounding the pavement and working the phones in Ohio and Pennsylvania, and now in Indiana and North Carolina. These efforts are important not just because Clinton would make the best president, but because we believe that all voters deserve a voice, particularly in such a close race. Again and again, Democratic voters have said to the media: Stop trying to close the book on this primary--it's not over until the voters say it's over!
Throughout the coming months, NOW PAC will continue our outreach, and we will continue to support Clinton, encouraging her not to buckle under to the men in power pressuring her to drop out. Being a female trailblazer has never been easy, but across the country and around the world women and men are cheering Clinton on -- not just for the sake of history, but for the future of our country.
When NOW PAC endorsed Senator Clinton more than a year ago, we set out to reach the widest audience possible of potential voters, using on-the-ground and online organizing. The tools of the Internet have been critical, especially given a mainstream media environment that's been far less favorable to Clinton. Politico's co-founders, two Washington Post veterans, acknowledged this unbalanced treatment, saying: "the Clintonites are fundamentally correct in their complaint that she has been flying throughout this campaign into a headwind of media favoritism for Obama," and conceding that both Obama and John McCain "have been beneficiaries of media cheerleading."
In spite of this challenge, Clinton supporters have been spreading the word about her experience, her accomplishments, her positions on the issues, and her message of equality for all.
NOW PAC launched its "Make History with Hillary" website back in March 2007, and it's been growing ever since. In the lead up to the Pennsylvania primary, NOW PAC purchased numerous web ads to invite people to our site--with great success. In just the last three weeks, our ads have been shown to millions of people, and the traffic on our NOW PAC Hillary website has tripled.
NOW PAC has coupled this online strategy with our traditional grassroots tactics, pounding the pavement and working the phones in Ohio and Pennsylvania, and now in Indiana and North Carolina. These efforts are important not just because Clinton would make the best president, but because we believe that all voters deserve a voice, particularly in such a close race. Again and again, Democratic voters have said to the media: Stop trying to close the book on this primary--it's not over until the voters say it's over!
Throughout the coming months, NOW PAC will continue our outreach, and we will continue to support Clinton, encouraging her not to buckle under to the men in power pressuring her to drop out. Being a female trailblazer has never been easy, but across the country and around the world women and men are cheering Clinton on -- not just for the sake of history, but for the future of our country.
Chamber issues call for permanent tax relief
Taxes: Chamber Issues Call for Permanent Tax Relief
Last Tuesday's tax deadline served as an important reminder to Congress and all Americans that unless lawmakers make the President's tax cuts permanent, massive tax hikes loom in the future. This threat to business interests is substantial and the U.S. Chamber is making every effort to provide a forum for concerned citizens to make their voice heard. Last week, the Chamber hosted America's Small Business Summit 2008. The three day event brought the collective voice of business to Washington. Over 500 community and business leaders rallied on Capitol Hill and met with their members of Congress to address their specific policy concerns.
With the presidential primary season in full swing, making the tax cuts permanent will remain a hot topic. Each candidate has their own position. Some want to repeal the present tax cuts for many American families while others want to make them permanent. Where do you stand?
Where the U.S. Chamber Stands
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce supports making the President's tax cuts permanent and here is why:
If all the President's tax cuts are allowed to expire, American taxpayers will face the largest tax increase in our nation's history.
These tax cuts have empowered small business owners to create more jobs, put more money into the hands of consumers and moved this economy from recession to recovery in the shortest time possible.
Failure to make permanent the tax cuts enacted under President Bush could result in at least a $230 billion annual tax increase -- an amount that dwarfs the $60 billion annual tax hike under President Clinton.
Among the hardest hit will be individuals and small businesses, the majority of which are taxed at the individual rate. Increases in the marginal rate alone will balloon their taxes by $120 billion annually.
Small businesses account for 75% of the net new jobs. Tax increases hit them doubly hard because they drive up the cost of doing business and cut into the money available to hire new workers. None of this is good for consumers, and it's certainly not good for Americans looking for jobs.
Make the Tax Cuts Permanent and Stop the $230 Billion Tax IncreaseSign Our Online Petition Today!
The U.S. Chamber is fighting to keep more money in the pockets of American taxpayers -- like yourself -- because we believe you know how to spend your money better than the government does.
If you agree, please add your name to our online petition in support of making the tax cuts permanent and to stop the $230 billion annual tax increase.
Add Your Name To Our Tax Cut Petition -- click here
Invite Others Who Support Tax Cuts To Add Their Name -- click here
The Latest Economic and Tax News
As a service to you, the Friends of the U.S. Chamber Web site features the latest news on the economy and taxes. To read this news, please visit and click the News Section.
Here are a few of the latest headlines:
Bush acknowledges tough time
Marine industry seeks tax breaks
Small Business Owners See Positive Impact Of Economic Stimulus Package
- More News -
Friends of the U.S. Chamber is a nationwide grassroots network dedicated to pro-growth policies that can strengthen the American economy. Add your voice to the national debate on critical issues that impact you and your community by taking our brief online survey.
Last Tuesday's tax deadline served as an important reminder to Congress and all Americans that unless lawmakers make the President's tax cuts permanent, massive tax hikes loom in the future. This threat to business interests is substantial and the U.S. Chamber is making every effort to provide a forum for concerned citizens to make their voice heard. Last week, the Chamber hosted America's Small Business Summit 2008. The three day event brought the collective voice of business to Washington. Over 500 community and business leaders rallied on Capitol Hill and met with their members of Congress to address their specific policy concerns.
With the presidential primary season in full swing, making the tax cuts permanent will remain a hot topic. Each candidate has their own position. Some want to repeal the present tax cuts for many American families while others want to make them permanent. Where do you stand?
Where the U.S. Chamber Stands
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce supports making the President's tax cuts permanent and here is why:
If all the President's tax cuts are allowed to expire, American taxpayers will face the largest tax increase in our nation's history.
These tax cuts have empowered small business owners to create more jobs, put more money into the hands of consumers and moved this economy from recession to recovery in the shortest time possible.
Failure to make permanent the tax cuts enacted under President Bush could result in at least a $230 billion annual tax increase -- an amount that dwarfs the $60 billion annual tax hike under President Clinton.
Among the hardest hit will be individuals and small businesses, the majority of which are taxed at the individual rate. Increases in the marginal rate alone will balloon their taxes by $120 billion annually.
Small businesses account for 75% of the net new jobs. Tax increases hit them doubly hard because they drive up the cost of doing business and cut into the money available to hire new workers. None of this is good for consumers, and it's certainly not good for Americans looking for jobs.
Make the Tax Cuts Permanent and Stop the $230 Billion Tax IncreaseSign Our Online Petition Today!
The U.S. Chamber is fighting to keep more money in the pockets of American taxpayers -- like yourself -- because we believe you know how to spend your money better than the government does.
If you agree, please add your name to our online petition in support of making the tax cuts permanent and to stop the $230 billion annual tax increase.
Add Your Name To Our Tax Cut Petition -- click here
Invite Others Who Support Tax Cuts To Add Their Name -- click here
The Latest Economic and Tax News
As a service to you, the Friends of the U.S. Chamber Web site features the latest news on the economy and taxes. To read this news, please visit and click the News Section.
Here are a few of the latest headlines:
Bush acknowledges tough time
Marine industry seeks tax breaks
Small Business Owners See Positive Impact Of Economic Stimulus Package
- More News -
Friends of the U.S. Chamber is a nationwide grassroots network dedicated to pro-growth policies that can strengthen the American economy. Add your voice to the national debate on critical issues that impact you and your community by taking our brief online survey.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Help end vioelnce against women worldwide!
Urge Your Senators to Co-Sponsor International VAWA Help End Violence Against Women Worldwide
Action needed: Please contact your Senators and urge them to co-sponsor the International Violence Against Women Act (IVAWA).
IVAWA (S. 2279) was introduced by Sens. Joseph Biden (D-Del.) and Richard Lugar (R-Ind.) last fall, and is pending in the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.
Action needed: Please contact your Senators and urge them to co-sponsor the International Violence Against Women Act (IVAWA).
IVAWA (S. 2279) was introduced by Sens. Joseph Biden (D-Del.) and Richard Lugar (R-Ind.) last fall, and is pending in the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Join Kairos for Earth Hour
KAIROS wants you to turn off your lights for an hour at 8 pm on Saturday, March 29!Why? Because our use of fossil fuels –symbolized here by a light bulb- is contributing to global climate change. In 2007, the people of Sydney, Australia, decided that they could send a powerful message for change by turning off all their lights at the same time. More than 2 million citizens and businesses did so. Now, the World Wildlife Fund is taking Sydney’s history–making moment global by encouraging people, businesses, and communities all over the world to turn off their lights and demand action on climate change.KAIROS asks you, your church, and your community to join in this global effort as part of your commitment to the Re-Energize: Time For A Carbon Sabbath campaign ( Use this time to reflect on your use of fossil fuels and their connections not just to climate change but to human rights and conflict as well. Build community around these issues. Advocate with local and federal governments to change their policies and practices related to fossil fuels.Want to get started?Download the "KAIROS Earth Hour Kit" (PDF file)-- it has ideas big and small, from turning out the lights at home to approaching your community government, local businesses, and the whole community to turn out the lights.Have a little more time and energy?Download the "KAIROS Earth Hour Worship" (PDF file) -- Bring your church community together to observe this time and take action.Let Us Know What You’re Up To!KAIROS wants to know about your activities so we can let our government know that Canadian churchgoers think the climate crisis requires immediate and substantial action. We also want to help people looking for an event on March 29 find one that they can attend. Please let us know about your Earth Hour event before it happens. After the event, call us or drop a line letting us know about your Earth Hour. Email Sara Stratton ( or call her at 1-877-403-8933 x 241.
KAIROS wants you to turn off your lights for an hour at 8 pm on Saturday, March 29!Why? Because our use of fossil fuels –symbolized here by a light bulb- is contributing to global climate change. In 2007, the people of Sydney, Australia, decided that they could send a powerful message for change by turning off all their lights at the same time. More than 2 million citizens and businesses did so. Now, the World Wildlife Fund is taking Sydney’s history–making moment global by encouraging people, businesses, and communities all over the world to turn off their lights and demand action on climate change.KAIROS asks you, your church, and your community to join in this global effort as part of your commitment to the Re-Energize: Time For A Carbon Sabbath campaign ( Use this time to reflect on your use of fossil fuels and their connections not just to climate change but to human rights and conflict as well. Build community around these issues. Advocate with local and federal governments to change their policies and practices related to fossil fuels.Want to get started?Download the "KAIROS Earth Hour Kit" (PDF file)-- it has ideas big and small, from turning out the lights at home to approaching your community government, local businesses, and the whole community to turn out the lights.Have a little more time and energy?Download the "KAIROS Earth Hour Worship" (PDF file) -- Bring your church community together to observe this time and take action.Let Us Know What You’re Up To!KAIROS wants to know about your activities so we can let our government know that Canadian churchgoers think the climate crisis requires immediate and substantial action. We also want to help people looking for an event on March 29 find one that they can attend. Please let us know about your Earth Hour event before it happens. After the event, call us or drop a line letting us know about your Earth Hour. Email Sara Stratton ( or call her at 1-877-403-8933 x 241.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Don't Let Congress trample worker's rights!
Card Check:Vastly Expanding the Ability of Labor Unions to OrganizeUnion membership has steadily declined over most of the past 25 years, leaving labor bosses desperate to increase their numbers. Their solution? A piece of legislation hypocritically called the "Employee Free Choice Act"...better known as "Card Check.
"What is Card Check?Card Check is an attack on workers' rights to decide for themselves whether they want to be part of a union. It allows union bosses to intimidate and coerce workers. It removes workers' ability to make an informed, confidential decision about a critical issue affecting their workplace. It takes away the secret ballot which all Americans view as a basic right.
Don't be Fooled.The threat is real. If passed, Card Check would trample workers' rights, embolden union organizers to form unions in businesses of all sizes, and greatly undercut America's ability to compete with other countries because of much higher labor costs. What You Can Do:Help stop this abuse of power. It's time to stand up to union bosses and show them that they are outnumbered by the hard-working men and women of America. Card Check is the top legislative priority of the unions and they will be mobilizing again this year to get it passed and signed into law. Help us stop this power grab by the union bosses by taking a minute to sign our online petition opposing Card Check.
Friends of the U.S. Chamber is a new grassroots initiative of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the world's largest business federation representing more than 3 million businesses and organizations of every size, sector, and region.
"What is Card Check?Card Check is an attack on workers' rights to decide for themselves whether they want to be part of a union. It allows union bosses to intimidate and coerce workers. It removes workers' ability to make an informed, confidential decision about a critical issue affecting their workplace. It takes away the secret ballot which all Americans view as a basic right.
Don't be Fooled.The threat is real. If passed, Card Check would trample workers' rights, embolden union organizers to form unions in businesses of all sizes, and greatly undercut America's ability to compete with other countries because of much higher labor costs. What You Can Do:Help stop this abuse of power. It's time to stand up to union bosses and show them that they are outnumbered by the hard-working men and women of America. Card Check is the top legislative priority of the unions and they will be mobilizing again this year to get it passed and signed into law. Help us stop this power grab by the union bosses by taking a minute to sign our online petition opposing Card Check.
Friends of the U.S. Chamber is a new grassroots initiative of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the world's largest business federation representing more than 3 million businesses and organizations of every size, sector, and region.
Angry American
Letter from an 'Angry Woman' I don't know who wrote it but they should have signed it. Some powerful words. This woman should run for president. Written by a housewife from New Jersey and sounds like it! This is one ticked off lady!
The letter reads... 'Are we fighting a war on terror or aren't we? Was it or was it not started by Islamic people who brought it to our shores on September 11, 2001? Were people from all over the world, mostly Americans, not brutally murdered that day, in downtown Manhattan , across the Potomac from our nation's capitol and in a field in Pennsylvania ?Did nearly three thousand men, women and children die a horrible, burning or crushing death that day, or didn't they? And I'm supposed to care th at a copy of the Koran was 'desecrated' when an overworked American soldier kicked it or got it wet?...Well, I don' t. I don't care at all. I'll start caring when Osama bin Laden turns himself in and repents for incinerating all those innocent people on 9/11. I'll care about the Koran when the fanatics in the Middle East start caring about the Holy Bible, the mere possession of which is a crime in Saudi Arabia . I'll care when these thugs tell the world they are sorry for hacking off Nick Berg's head while Berg screamed through his gurgling slashed throat. I'll care when the cowardly so-called 'insurgents' in Iraq come out and fight like men instead of disrespecting their own religion by hiding in mosques. I'll care when the mindless zealots who blow themselves up in search of nirvana care about the innocent children within range of their suicide bombs. I'll care when the American media stops pretending that their First Amendment liberties are somehow derived from international law instead of the United States Constitution's Bill of Rights. In the meantime, when I hear a story about a brave marine roughing up an Iraqi terrorist to obtain information, know this: I don't care. When I see a fuzzy photo of a pile of naked Iraqi prisoners who have been humiliated in what amounts to a college-hazing incident, rest assured: I don't care. When I see a wounded terrorist get shot in the head when he is told not to move because he might be booby-trapped, you can take it to the bank: I don't care. When I hear that a prisoner, who was issued a Koran and a prayer mat , and fed 'special' food that is paid for by my tax dollars, is complaining that his holy book is being 'mishandled,' you can absolutely believe in your heart of hearts: I don't care. And oh, by the way, I've noticed that sometimes it's spelled 'Koran' and other times 'Quran.' Well, Jimmy Crack Corn and-you guessed it-I don't care !! If you agree with this viewpoint, pass this on to all your E-mail friends. Sooner or later, it'll get to the people responsible for this ridiculous behavior! If you don't agree, then by all means hit the delete button. Should you choose the latter, then please don't complain when more atrocities committed by radical Muslims happen here in our great Country! And may I add: 'Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Marines don't have that problem' -- Ronald Reagan I have another quote that I would like to add AND.......I hope you forward all this. 'If we ever forget that we're One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.' Also by.. Ronald Reagan One last thought for the day: In case we find ourselves starting to believe all the Anti-American sentiment and negativity, we should remember England 's Prime Minister Tony Blair's words during a recent interview. When asked by one of his Parliament members why he believes so much in America , he said: 'A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in.. And how many want out.'Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you: 1. Jesus Christ 2. The American G. I. Important for us all!!!! One died for your soul, the other for your freedom. YOU MIGHT WANT TO PASS THIS ON, AS MANY SEEM TO FORGET BOTH OF THEM. AMEN.
Letter from an 'Angry Woman' I don't know who wrote it but they should have signed it. Some powerful words. This woman should run for president. Written by a housewife from New Jersey and sounds like it! This is one ticked off lady!
The letter reads... 'Are we fighting a war on terror or aren't we? Was it or was it not started by Islamic people who brought it to our shores on September 11, 2001? Were people from all over the world, mostly Americans, not brutally murdered that day, in downtown Manhattan , across the Potomac from our nation's capitol and in a field in Pennsylvania ?Did nearly three thousand men, women and children die a horrible, burning or crushing death that day, or didn't they? And I'm supposed to care th at a copy of the Koran was 'desecrated' when an overworked American soldier kicked it or got it wet?...Well, I don' t. I don't care at all. I'll start caring when Osama bin Laden turns himself in and repents for incinerating all those innocent people on 9/11. I'll care about the Koran when the fanatics in the Middle East start caring about the Holy Bible, the mere possession of which is a crime in Saudi Arabia . I'll care when these thugs tell the world they are sorry for hacking off Nick Berg's head while Berg screamed through his gurgling slashed throat. I'll care when the cowardly so-called 'insurgents' in Iraq come out and fight like men instead of disrespecting their own religion by hiding in mosques. I'll care when the mindless zealots who blow themselves up in search of nirvana care about the innocent children within range of their suicide bombs. I'll care when the American media stops pretending that their First Amendment liberties are somehow derived from international law instead of the United States Constitution's Bill of Rights. In the meantime, when I hear a story about a brave marine roughing up an Iraqi terrorist to obtain information, know this: I don't care. When I see a fuzzy photo of a pile of naked Iraqi prisoners who have been humiliated in what amounts to a college-hazing incident, rest assured: I don't care. When I see a wounded terrorist get shot in the head when he is told not to move because he might be booby-trapped, you can take it to the bank: I don't care. When I hear that a prisoner, who was issued a Koran and a prayer mat , and fed 'special' food that is paid for by my tax dollars, is complaining that his holy book is being 'mishandled,' you can absolutely believe in your heart of hearts: I don't care. And oh, by the way, I've noticed that sometimes it's spelled 'Koran' and other times 'Quran.' Well, Jimmy Crack Corn and-you guessed it-I don't care !! If you agree with this viewpoint, pass this on to all your E-mail friends. Sooner or later, it'll get to the people responsible for this ridiculous behavior! If you don't agree, then by all means hit the delete button. Should you choose the latter, then please don't complain when more atrocities committed by radical Muslims happen here in our great Country! And may I add: 'Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Marines don't have that problem' -- Ronald Reagan I have another quote that I would like to add AND.......I hope you forward all this. 'If we ever forget that we're One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.' Also by.. Ronald Reagan One last thought for the day: In case we find ourselves starting to believe all the Anti-American sentiment and negativity, we should remember England 's Prime Minister Tony Blair's words during a recent interview. When asked by one of his Parliament members why he believes so much in America , he said: 'A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in.. And how many want out.'Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you: 1. Jesus Christ 2. The American G. I. Important for us all!!!! One died for your soul, the other for your freedom. YOU MIGHT WANT TO PASS THIS ON, AS MANY SEEM TO FORGET BOTH OF THEM. AMEN.
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