Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thansgiving Thoughts

Take a moment to say Thanks to Him who provides!

Most of us go through the day without much thought of how lucky and blessed we are. Today, I remind my self of what a blessing it is to be me.

Of course there are days when I feel trapped in the ramblings and responsibilities of being a Mom, Wife, and trying to run an agency that's sole purpose is to make the lives of others better. I must do all that and yet make it all secondary to doing God's will. At times it seems a bit overwhelming. And then I look around....

I look at my youngest, born 4 months early and told he would never live, this miracle child who is in the gifted program at school and on the honor roll, and despite being born with Cerebral Palsy, he plays a mean game of T-ball and soccer. He has one of the most loving hearts I have ever seen paired with a fighting spirit greater than I have ever witnessed. Don't ever try to tell him he cannot do something! His faith is often stronger than mine and can bring me back to the simple truth of Jesus.

.....and I am thankful!

Then I look at my oldest child, all of 8. He is like looking in a mirror, got Mom's looks and personality. He arrived on the scene after I had given up on children and is the source of so much joy and a testament to hope and God's love. Smart, good looking and athletic (not that I am playing favorites or anything!)

......and I am thankful!

I look at my home, my job my husband, and look at others who have no families, jobs or homes. I open my refrigerator that is full of food, and think of those who are hungry. I read the thanksgiving emails and cards from friends and family and I pause to think of those that are alone. I think even if I lost all of this, I know I have God on my side and in my corner and I know where I am going!

......and I am thankful!

I look at my church, that feeds the hungry, helps the hurting and trains all of us to be better and do better. I see my Pastor and his wife and know they were sent to our community to bless us and challenge us and give us the chance to be forgiven.

......and I am thankful!

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