Wednesday, October 24, 2007


As I reflect on this photograph, I see once again that not all the brave leave the "home of the brave" to enter battle; some are required now to be the brave of the home It is said a picture is worth a thousand words but it leaves me speechless and tears in my eyes.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Help Stop the Genocide in Darfur

More than five years have passed since the start of the genocide in Darfur. As many as 400,000 innocent people have been killed and more than 2.5 million more have been driven from their homes.

After years of delay, the U.N. finally authorized a joint United Nations-African Union peacekeeping mission for Darfur in July. But the peacekeeping mission will fail without significant support from the U.S. and the global community.

154 House Republicans Tell Sick Kids 'Get Lost.'

Thursday afternoon, by a vote of 273 to 156, the House of Representatives failed to gather the 290 votes needed to override the president's veto of the State Children's Health Insurance Program bill (SCHIP). Both the Senate and House have previously cast bipartisan votes to reauthorize this ten-year-old program and to extend coverage to an additional ten million children who live in low income families with no health insurance, even though the average annual cost of the expansion was less than three weeks of Iraq war spending.
Bush's veto required that two-thirds of the 435 House members vote to override the veto before the bill can become law. Despite overwhelming public support and the backing of many in the medical and health insurance industries, the president and his House allies have carried on a campaign of mistruths and unfounded allegations, leading to the bill's demise this afternoon.
NOW decries the cruelty of denying the most basic health care to children whose parents cannot afford health insurance. The 156 House members -- 154 Republicans and two Democrats - who voted against the override have let down not only the vulnerable children of this nation, but also put an undue burden on single parents and low-income families who can only pray their children do not get sick or hurt.
"It's purely political," says NOW President Kim Gandy. "George Bush has no trouble funding a government sponsored, 'socialized' war, yet bristles at the thought of helping poor children who need health care, branding the expanded SCHIP as a program leading us down the slippery slope to 'socialized' medicine." In his book it's fine to provide subsidies, tax breaks and federal grants to industries, businesses and colleges to ensure their economic health and well-being, but kids just don't count.
The vetoed bill would have extended health insurance coverage to an additional four million low income children and would have cost $35 billion over five years, an average of $7 billion per year, compared to the $12 billion every month that George Bush is spending in Iraq. The President says he might sign a proposal to reauthorize the program and increase the spending by $5 billion -- but with inflation, that amount would represent a reduction in real dollars, which means that 1 million children who are currently covered by the states with SCHIP funding will be kicked out of the health insurance plan. The failed SCHIP legislation was already a shell of its former self because the final proposal did not include the House-passed language allowing legal immigrant children to participate in the program.
"It's hard to imagine that Bush, his Cabinet, and all 154 of those Republicans in Congress are enjoying 'government funded' healthcare, subsidized by the same taxpayers who overwhelmingly supported continuing and enhancing the SCHIP program," said Gandy. "It may be time for those 154 members of Congress to go without health care for awhile…or get lost. They have let down the children and the parents in their Congressional districts who are wondering where they will ever get the money or the job that will enable them to provide health care for their families," said Gandy.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Mom stress and blessings

It is so hard to be Mom, especially to see your little one sick. As I watched all the tests being run, worried about the worst case scenario, and prayed for the best, I could not help but remember when I sat by his side when he was in the NICU fighting with all he had for his life.Of course, to find out all was okay, was a great relief and an answered prayer, but it also made me feel like an overprotective Mom. Here's a pic of my precious baby!

Annual Love Your Body Day

October 18 marks the tenth anniversary of the National Organization for Women Foundation's Annual Love Your Body Day (LYBD). For the past ten years, the Love Your Body Campaign has promoted healthy body images for women and girls through creative actions and consumer education. The campaign calls for women and girls to be in control of what makes them feel healthy and comfortable with their bodies, on their own terms and not based on unrealistic images promoted by advertisers and the mass media.
"Sex, Stereotypes and Beauty: The ABCs and Ds of Commercial Images of Women" is a new slide show presentation created by the NOW Foundation and available beginning today through the Love Your Body website for viewing and download. This presentation illustrates ways that advertisers and the media enforce unrealistic beauty standards, sexual ideals and gender stereotypes that girls and women are expected to follow.
"'Sex, Stereotypes and Beauty' is a fast-paced and compelling way for women and girls to identify and think about the impact that these images have on their health and well-being, and what can they do about it," NOW Foundation President Kim Gandy says. "Using examples from current advertisements, we brought these images together to present them in a way that will spark discussion. We hope that our chapters, or anyone visiting our website, will present the slide show, forward it to their friends, and use it to strategize ways to combat the daily barrage of messages that say to women and girls 'You're not good enough.'"

Hollywood and the fashion, cosmetics and diet industries work hard to make women believe that our bodies are unacceptable and need constant improvement. Print ads and television commercials reduce women to body parts -- lips, legs, breasts -- airbrushed and touched up to meet impossible standards. TV shows tell women and teenage girls that cosmetic surgery is a necessary step toward positive self-esteem.

"Is it any wonder that 80% of U.S. women are dissatisfied with their appearance?" asks Gandy. "The NOW Foundation is committed to empowering women to say, 'Enough is enough!' We want all women and girls to be positive about their bodies and not feel pressured by the media's negative portrayals and pressure to conform -- to look or feel a particular way."

Monday, October 15, 2007

Dear God

Thank you for another day, Within this life of mine.
Give me the strength to live it well, Whatever I may find.
Bestow from Your abundance, Whatever I may lack.
To use the hours wisely, For I cannot have them back.
Thank you for another day, In which to made amends
For little slights or petty words, Inflicted on my friends.

For sometimes losing patience, With problems that I find.
For seeing. faults in other lives, But not the ones in mine.
Thank you for another chance, In which to try to be
A little more deserving Of the fits You've given me.
For yesterday is over, And tomorrow's far away,
And I remain committed, To the good I do today!

Take action and Help Amensty International!

Visit the length below to see what action you can take to help Amnesty International.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

NOW Calls for Judiciary Committee Investigation

On Sept. 28, the Judicial Council of the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals formally reprimanded U.S. District Court Judge Samuel B. Kent of Galveston, Texas, suspended him for four months, and reassigned many of his pending cases to other judges. This nearly unprecedented action came after a lengthy secret investigation of allegations that the judge had sexually harassed and inappropriately touched a female employee. During their investigation, the committee expanded the inquiry to include additional complaints against Judge Kent.
Based on the seriousness of the allegations and the actions of the Judicial Council, the National Organization for Women (NOW) has requested, through Hon. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas), a member of the committee, that the House Judiciary Committee open an investigation into the accusations against Judge Kent. If they find that Judge Kent violated federal law, including federal civil rights law, we will urge the committee to begin impeachment proceeding.
"There is an Alice in Wonderland feel to this process. The Fifth Circuit's investigation of its own judge was completely secret, none of the findings were revealed to the public, not even after the investigation was complete, the public 'reprimand' contained no details, and all documents uncovered in the investigation are sealed," said NOW President Kim Gandy, an attorney admitted to practice in the Fifth Circuit. "To make matters worse, the Fifth Circuit says that even if a judicial panel finds that a judge did commit a crime, it is not obligated to refer it to law enforcement. Federal judges are protected by law from the law."
"This judicial panel seems to be protecting its own. The reported punishment -- a four-month paid vacation and a slap on the wrist -- seems extraordinarily light, and doesn't seem to 'fit the crime' as it has been reported in the press. His punishment, for all practical purposes, has been a taxpayer-paid four month vacation and a reduced workload at full pay. When he returns to the bench in a few months, he will resume his normal duties, including ruling on cases involving sex discrimination and sexual harassment. If that happens, and he is indeed a sexual harasser, it would be an injustice to every woman whose case could come before his court," said Gandy.

The Budweiser Story

How Budweiser handled those who laughed at those who died on the 11th of September, 2001...

Thought you might like to know what happened in a little town north of Bakersfield , California . On September 11th, A Budweiser employee was making a delivery to a convenience store in a California town named McFarland. He knew of the tragedy that had occurred in New York when he entered the business to find the two Arabs, who owned the business, whooping and hollering to show their approval and support of this treacherous attack.

The Budweiser employee went to his truck, called his boss and told him of the very upsetting event! He didn't feel he could be in that store with those horrible people. His boss asked him, 'Do you think you could go in there long enough to pull every Budweiser product and item our beverage company sells there? We'll never deliver to them again.' The employee walked in, proceeded to pull every single product his beverage company provided and left with an incredible grin on his face. He told them never to bother to call for a delivery again. Budweiser happens to be the beer of choice for that community.

And Now The Rest Of The Story:

It seems that the Bud driver and the Pepsi man are neighbors. Bud called Pepsi and told him.Pepsi called his boss who told him to pull all Pepsi products as well!!! That would include Frito Lay, etc.Furthermore, word spread and all vendors followed suit! At last report, the store was closed indefinitely. Good old American Passive-Aggressive A$$ Whoopin! Pass this along, America needs to knowthat we're all working together! If you can read this.Thank a teacher. If you are reading it in English.... THANK A SOLDIER!!!

Thougths on Al Gore

You know, as I heard about he latest news Al Gore winning the Nobel Peace Prize, I was pleased. It makes me feel good when I see Politicians doing things to make the world a little better. However, don't count me in as one of his supporters for President. Not that he would be any worse than some of the front runners, but he does not have what I think it takes.

If you click on the link above, you can read about his winning the prize as reported in the New York Times, yet there are other opinions out there, such as the USA Today editorial that reports: "For someone who says the sky is falling, he does very little. He says he recycles and drives a hybrid. And he claims he uses renewable energy credits to offset the pollution he produces when using a private jet to promote his film. (In reality, Paramount Classics, the film's distributor, pays this.) Public records reveal that as Gore lectures Americans on excessive consumption, he and his wife Tipper live in two properties: a 10,000-square-foot, 20-room, eight-bathroom home in Nashville, and a 4,000-square-foot home in Arlington, Va. (He also has a third home in Carthage, Tenn.) For someone rallying the planet to pursue a path of extreme personal sacrifice, Gore requires little from himself. Then there is the troubling matter of his energy use. In the Washington, D.C., area, utility companies offer wind energy as an alternative to traditional energy. In Nashville, similar programs exist. Utility customers must simply pay a few extra pennies per kilowatt hour, and they can continue living their carbon-neutral lifestyles knowing that they are supporting wind energy. Plenty of businesses and institutions have signed up. Even the Bush administration is using green energy for some federal office buildings, as are thousands of area residents.
But according to public records, there is no evidence that Gore has signed up to use green energy in either of his large residences. When contacted Wednesday, Gore's office confirmed as much but said the Gores were looking into making the switch at both homes. Talk about inconvenient truths. "

Thursday, October 11, 2007

CREW makes more repairs and mitigates!

CREW Mitigates more homes!
CREW continues to Mitigate homes, to help low income families in Hendry and Glades Counties prepare for future storms. Workers came today and began work on two homes and will be shuttering eleven homes in the next couple weeks. More are being certified and inspected everyday.

Methodist Volunteers Help Local Residents
Beymer Memorial United Methodist Church volunteers worked all day Wednesday, returned to the local Clewiston First United Church (where they are sleeping in Sunday School rooms, and traveling to marina for showers) for dinner and fellowship, where they presented the local Church with a monetary gift for hosting them. They worked again all day Thursday, trying to help those still suffering the effects of homes destroyed by Hurricane Wilma. Thursday night, Community Presbyterian Church in Clewiston hosted them for dinner and fellowship as well.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

There are good people out there

Check out this website, how cool!

Here is a story from the website:

There are good people out there!
I work for a bus company in where I am an aide on a school van with two disabled teen boys. One of my guys, Tyrell is almost completely blind and has some other physical and mental issues as well. Tyrell was all smiles for about a week at this point. He's normally a quite happy kid but I could tell this was different than the normal silly Tyrell that I enjoyed. He just never let the smile go. Wednesday morning my curiosity finally got to me and I asked him why he was all smiles. He told me that he was going to ride his brand new 3-wheeled bike that very day when he got home from school. This is huge for Tyrell because he barely got to go out and play let alone go around the block. No one wanted to deal with him because of his disabilities let alone be his friend. He told me all about his bike and couldn't control his happiness... some times he got so excited he broke out in giggles. We let him off at his stop and I reminded him about what was coming up and he gave me a smile from ear to ear. A smile that will forever be in my heart. The next morning when we picked him up from his stop, I noticed that his eyes were quite puffy, like his allergies were really bothering him. His Mom had the same eyes. As I was getting him into the van, I asked him how his bike was and his Mom let out a sad like sigh. She explained that the puffy eyes weren't from allergies but from many many hours of tears the night before. She said that Tyrell got to ride it once around the block before he had to come in for dinner and was promised that he could go back out and ride it again afterward. He left it in the back of his yard where they thought it would be safe, especially since he would be back to take it for another spin in a half an hour or so.That was a promise that would not be able to be kept. After dinner Tyrell came out by himself to go back out on it and couldn't seem to find it. In tears because of his frustration he called into the house for his mom to help him locate the bike. The bike was gone. Nowhere to be found. She immediately broke out in tears because she had to tell her boy the thing that he treasured so much was stolen.She called the police. While they were waiting for the police she called her close friend to find some consolation or comfort. They talked for a bit and hung up when the police arrived.To no ones surprise the Police could do nothing but take the report. The close friend called her up later and said that she forgot to tell Tyrell's mom that she had something for them and asked if it would be ok to bring it over. She of course, still crying from the thought of knowing they could barely afford that bike but another bike would be impossible to do, said yes. The friend brought over a huge box. While Tyrell and his mom were talking to the police their angelic friend was making calls to and gathering money from her friends. When she gathered it all up she went to the store and bought a brand new bike, the same style and color and everything for Tyrell.When Tyrell's mom noticed what was in the box she cried even harder and called for Tyrell. Tyrell had just stopped crying of his loss when he asked what was going on. His mom told him to say Hi and Thank You to her angel and he being the silly guy he is asked why that you mom? She told him reach down on the floor and when he did he knew exactly what it was. He's very good at remembering shapes. They all began to cry, not of sadness but of happiness, joy, thankfulness, and confusion as to how it all worked together and from the smile that was once again on his face. This story serves as reminder in my life to remember that in a world of evil, there is still goodness, compassion, caring, a deep love for others and a good kind heart. For one evil person there are many more great hearts... pass it on.

Monday, October 08, 2007

NOW urges action against IMUS

Imus Back On the Public Airwaves?
NOW Takes on Media Giant October 8, 2007

Citadel Broadcasting is paving the way for the return of misogynist poster boy Don Imus to the public airwaves. If the deal goes through, Imus' debut will be Dec. 1, and already there’s talk that the show may go into syndication. Imus was fired by CBS and NBC last spring for his derogatory and misogynist comments about the Rutgers women's basketball team.

The National Organization for Women was the first women's organization to speak out against Don Imus' insulting and degrading language directed at those accomplished young women, generating over 30,000 message through our website. In April, NOW and other civil rights organizations went to New York City and told CBS and MSNBC that it was time for Imus to go.

"CBS and MSNBC did the right thing and fired Don Imus. Not one but two major media corporations understood the cost of hate speech and the value of public confidence," said NOW President Kim Gandy. "Now, after a six-month vacation and a seven-figure settlement, Imus is looking for a comeback with another big corporation. It's like a bad dream. Didn't they learn anything? No one has a right to a platform on the radio -- if they did, we'd have more talk shows than we have airtime."

So what does it say to the public when a big corporation provides a stage for someone with a history of using the public airwaves for hateful and racist speech? It says they've made a choice about the kind of audience they want, and women and people of color aren't included.

NOW has alerted supporters so they can write to Citadel Broadcasting urging them to reconsider, and to take a stand against hate speech.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Blackwater, Wiretapping and Torture

In response to Blackwater's September 16 massacre of 11 Iraqi civilians in Nisour Square, the House voted overwhelmingly (389-30) for Rep. David Price's bill to bring Blackwater and other contractors under U.S. law and FBI enforcement and take away Blackwater's license to kill. On 9/27, Sen. Barack Obama's similar amendment passed the Senate by unanimous consent.
And when "Bush Dog" Leader Steny Hoyer quietly tried to legalize the NSA's warrantless wiretapping of American citizens, 72 members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus rose up in protest, and Hoyer suddenly cancelled the vote.
And when the NY Times revealed Alberto Gonzales secretly re-authorized torture in 2005, key Democrats demanded the war crimes memos written by Steve Bradbury.
But these victories were tenuous. The Blackwater bill must overcome a Bush veto. Warrantless wiretapping must be permanently ended without immunity for the telephone companies. Torture must be permanently ended without immunity for the torturers.
Together, we can and will change the Congress that we elected in 2006. So please send the Democrats Weekly Agenda for 10/8/07 to your Representatives:

Proud Mom

My oldest son was an acolyte for the first time in service today. An acolyte is "a person who assists in the worship service. Normally the acolyte serves by lighting and extinguishing the candles on the communion or altar table and distributing and collecting the offering plates. At the discretion of the pastor, the acolyte may also assist in other portions of the worship service. It is the custom in most local churches for the acolytes to be young persons, giving them an early opportunity to be participants in the service. Adults, however, also may serve as acolytes." I found this definition on the UMC website's glossary. I was so proud to see him up there, and despite my fears, he did very well, lol.

It was especially cool because today is also World Communion Sunday. The World Communion Sunday (in the Methodist churches) offering provides scholarships for U.S. (racial-and ethnic-minority) and international students, on both undergraduate and graduate levels. Originally a Presbyterian observance, the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America established World-wide Communion Sunday in 1940 as a global, interdenominational event. Prompted by the impact of World War II, the Methodist Church received an offering on this Sunday for the Fellowship of Suffering and Service. It aided the work of the Methodist Committee on Overseas Relief (now UMCOR), the Commission on Chaplains and the Commission on Camp Activities.

In 1971 The United Methodist Church changed the name of the observance to World Communion Sunday and redistributed the offering to support the Crusade Scholarship Program (begun in 1944), the Ethnic Minority Scholarship Program and the Division of Chaplains and Related Ministries.
In 1980 Chaplains and Related Ministries was moved to World Service funding, but the World Communion Sunday offering continued to assist racial- and ethnic-minority persons pursuing various avenues of ministry.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Men and Politics are destroying the US

"I'm constantly fascinated by the lack of real discussion on the Sunday gab fests. I'm watching last week's Real Time with Bill Maher show and Barbara Bodine is offering more insight on Iraq "reconstruction" than 2 hrs of male talking heads on ABC and NBC. Slate tells me I must read the NYT and WaPo stories on Iraq as background to the coming week's announcements. Quite honestly, I'm done wasting my time on such articles. Until SCR 1325 and human security become part of the dialog, what's the point of me reading mainstream news accounts of the US imperialistic occupation of the 2nd largest oil reserve in the world? "

Friday, October 05, 2007

Homeless Children

According to the National Coalition for the Homeless, 1.35 million U.S. children are homeless on any given night. (2000) Families are now the fastest growing segment of the homeless population, accounting for almost. 39% of the nation's homeless. (2000) The average age of a homeless person in the U.S. is 9 years old. 41% of homeless children are under the age of five. Nearly 20% of homeless children lack a regular source of medical care. Homeless children are hungry more than twice as often as other children. Almost 1/3 of low-income families do not have enough money to prepare three meals a day. 14% of homeless children are diagnosed with learning disabilities - double the rate of other children.
21% of homeless children repeat a grade because of frequent absence from school. Within a single school year, 41% of homeless students attend two different schools, 28% attend three or more. For children and youth identified as homeless by State Departments of Education, 35% lived in shelters, 34% lived doubled up with family or friends and 23% lived in motels or other locations. (FY 2000).

There are over 1.3 million homeless children just in the United States. While many are struggling with their families just to survive, many of them are making an effort to get an education; often overcoming what seems like insurmountable odds.

Watch the exclusive CW Network Special on Monday afternoon, from 3-4, hosted by Joan Lunden.

In this show you will meet some of these remarkable children and see what they have to do just to go to school everyday so they can get an education.

For more information you can visit, the National Coalition for the Homeless website., you can also visit them on My Space!

Amnesty International

It comes down to people like you and me fighting everyday to end abuse, violence and exploitation. That's why I'd like to invite you to take the next step and give a gift of support to Amnesty International.You might think that ending abuses worldwide is a tall order, but as I face this challenge day-to-day, I take heart that there are over 1.8 million Amnesty supporters worldwide - people like you - who are standing with me and fighting. Stand with us, and you'll stand for freedom and justice around the world. Together, we can create a world where every man, woman and child can enjoy the rights of life and liberty; a world where torture and slavery are abolished; a world filled with respect for the dignity of all people. Your gift to Amnesty International today will make a world of difference.Thank you for all that you have done in support of human rights.Sincerely,Larry CoxExecutive DirectorP.S. Because it is critical to maintain impartiality, Amnesty does not accept any money from the government. That's why it is so important for individuals like you to support our life-saving work.

“Amnesty grew out of a simple idea. Many people have been saved from death and torture by the writing of letters from people around the world. People have power. We all have the power to change and influence our world. Use it.”- Peter Gabriel, musician
“I was dying and you saved me.”- Maina wa Kinyatti, a former prisoner of conscience
Copyright 2005 Amnesty International USA5 Penn Plaza New York, NY 10001Tel: 212.807.8400

Visit their website to see what you can do to help!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Christian Fasting

In bible study tonight, we talked about and studied fasting. I have to admit, it was not something I have spent much time thinking about or participating in. I have gone along with groups I was in that were fasting, but I never really understood the purpose. At last I think I finally get it.

Picture of Moses and followers fasting.

In my own simple terms, it is a time to communicate with God, for our bodies, minds, souls to be still, and listen. God communicates to us when we are still and quiet. It is also important that we keep our fast between us and God. There is no need to proclaim it or make others aware, it is not for their benefit, or for us to appear to be more Christian, but a time for us to prepare, show reverence and be ready to hear and listen to God, to communicate with him.

In searching the Internet I found some great websites about fasting, please visit them and discover for yourself the benefits that others have experienced as a result of their fasting. One of the sites I visited describes fasting as: "the most powerful spiritual discipline of all the Christian disciplines. Through fasting and prayer, the Holy Spirit can transform your life. "

Save Darfur!

For the most updated news & actions, visit

October 24, a day of action for Darfur, will be the culmination of months of hard work.
No more delays in deploying peacekeepers to Darfur. No more needless deaths.
We demand immediate action to end the violence in Darfur.
And on October 24, United Nations Day, we're going to make sure our demands are heard. By mobilizing all of our resources and our activists from coast to coast, we'll show the President, Congress and the United Nations that we will not sit back as long as one of the world's worst human rights catastrophes continues to unfold.
But I'll be honest. The only way we'll be able to deliver lasting results is with the firm commitment of each and every one of our activists. We need a tidal wave of support - and I hope you'll take a little time out of your busy schedule to join our day of action.
Here are some ways you can play a role:
- Sign the global petition to end the violence in Darfur. We are only 43,000* signatures short of our half million goal – and we only have two and a half weeks left.
- On October 24, Amnesty will deliver a half million Global Petition for Darfur signatures directly to the White House. Join our efforts and host a solidarity vigil in your hometown. Get tips on organizing an event here (PDF).
- Organize your family and friends to participate in our White House Call-In Days. Download (PDF) the White House call-in days flyer, with talking points. Our goal is to flood the White House phone lines with calls from Amnesty activists demanding action for Darfur.
Amnesty began its campaign to end the bloodshed in Darfur four years ago. And while the violence endures today, progress toward a peaceful resolution has been made - thanks to millions of activists around the world. But until the killings, torture, rape and displacement end, we'll continue to press for urgent change.
On behalf of my colleagues at Amnesty International, thank you for joining our effort.
Meredith LarsonCampaign ManagerAmnesty International USACampaign to Save Darfur

CREW wants to do another rebuild!

Above is a picture of our first rebuild, we want to do another!

CREW wants to rebuild a home for Pamela. Pamela is a 53 year old Florida born Caucasian woman who works for Southern Gardens and has for many years. She also cleans offices for extra money. In addition to working two jobs, she finds time to volunteer, so she can help others. After Hurricane Wilma, Pamela's home was severely damaged. The winds were so strong that they picked up Pamela's mobile home and twisted it. Pamela who was inside of the mobile home during the storm began to screw the walls back together as they were ripping apart. After the hurricane had passed she was told to leave but had no where to go. She was unable to go to a shelter because she feared that her belongings that were left would be stolen. Pamela had insurance a few days prior to the storm but her insurance company cancelled due to no hand rails being on her porch right before the storm. Pamela did not have sufficient time to put the hand rails on before Wilma hit. She did receive $2,600.00 from FEMA and used to repair her water system and to sit the mobile home back on the blocks. Pamela is low- income and is unable to repair the mobile home. She also has numerous medical problems and the mold in the home is increasing the severity of her breathing problems. Pamela is living in the only room in her home that is livable, the living room. Pamela was forced to move all of her belongings into that room. She also must sleep, cook, and eat in the living room due to the fact that she does not have electricity in the other rooms of the home. All in all Pamela did not receive enough funds to repair her mobile home and now is living in a severely damaged home that is unsafe and un-repairable. Pamela says "All I want is my life back how it was before Hurricane Wilma".It is the Mission of C.R.E.W., Community Rebuilding Ecumenical Workforce, a caring network of Hendry and Glades counties' civic, social services, faith-based groups, agencies, and organizations along with concerned individual and business, formed to address the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the community in the restoration and rebuilding of their lives and homes in times of a natural or man-made disasters. Additionally, C.R.E.W. will provide collaborative leadership and advocacy in the discernment of the long term systemic needs for continuing to assist Pamela and her family with as much as we can, however we are extending a hand as asking for your organization's assist regarding this project. We have found volunteers that want to build her a home, and we have found people willing to draw the plans, all we need now is the money. We believe it will cost about $50,000 to accomplish this, both in materials and to pay contractors for plumbing and electricity. We are pleading for assistance in raising these funds.

If you want to help, please contact us at 863-983-2390!

Expansion of Hate Crimes Law Necessary for Women's Safety

According to NOW press,

By a vote of 60 to 39, the Senate passed the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which would permit federal prosecution of hate crimes based on a person's actual or perceived gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.

This is the most comprehensive hate crimes legislation ever, and with this new law federal investigators could step in if local authorities were unwilling or unable to act, or needed federal assistance. Already, George W. Bush has announced his intent to veto the legislation.
Currently federal laws define hate crimes as those in which the victim is targeted because of her or his race, color, religion, or national origin. Yet we know that these are not the only groups targeted for hate-based violence.

The National Organization for Women knows first hand how deeply this kind of terror and danger can affect entire communities, destroying lives and livelihoods. Expanding the definition of hate crimes is important, if not critical, to women's overall health and safety.

The Senate did the right thing by voting for legislation that will help prosecute, reduce, and perhaps eventually eliminate, hate-based crimes. We urge George Bush to do the same.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Send a mission to Burma.

In Burma, Buddhist monks, marching against tyranny, are reported to have been disrobed and shackled. Many detained, many killed. They marched against injustice and oppression, and their actions were met with a cruel and ruthless crackdown.
You can take a stand against the oppression of these peaceful monks. Take action today.
The death counts vary wildly. But you can be sure that the military junta has brutally beaten and possibly murdered many more than we'll ever be able to confirm.
Please take action today for the people of Burma.
As you know, Amnesty International has been working for decades to protect human rights in Burma (Myanmar) and to support the pro-democracy forces' right to peaceful dissent. When the people of Burma last staged mass pro-democracy protests back in 1988, the military junta murdered thousands. But history does not have to repeat itself.
Take action now to help prevent more killings by the military government. Tell your friends and family to do the same.
The world is watching. Please do your part.

Buy American Made Toys

Tired of buying harmful toys from China? Check out these places where you can buy US made toys! Consumers can make a difference and refuse to buy the harmful junk from overseas! We have to send a message that we don't want imports!

Monday, October 01, 2007

The Health of Millions of Children is in Bush's Hands

The Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) provides health coverage to children whose parents do not qualify for Medicaid, but can't afford private insurance. On Thursday, Sept. 27, the Senate passed a bill reauthorizing funding for CHIP for an additional five years -- funding that would guarantee coverage to about 10 million children. That bill now heads to George Bush's desk for his signature.

But he has threatened not to sign it.

Bush is threatening to veto this bill because he has his own proposal for CHIP funding, one that would cut off around 800,000 children from receiving the health care they so desperately need.

Send a message to President Bush today urging him to protect these vulnerable children and not veto the CHIP reauthorization bill. Ask your friends to tell him, too. With hundreds of thousands of messages from across the country, Bush may decide to sign the bill after all. Many Republicans are urging him to do just that, and your voice will help.
Learn more about the bipartisan Children's Health Insurance Program funding bill

NOW Urges House to Maintain Broad Protections Against Employment Discrimination

Last week, just before it was slated to go to the House floor for a vote, the civil rights bill known as the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) was stripped of protections for the transgender community.

"NOW opposes this weakened version and encourages sponsors of the original ENDA to ask House leaders to withdraw the weaker bill and support the more inclusive bill, H.R. 2015," said Kim Gandy, President of NOW.

"Our members, through resolutions at our national conferences, have determined that any civil rights bill must include protections against discrimination based on gender identity. We cannot support a bill that does not include a group of people who need the protection addressed by the more inclusive bill," added Olga Vives, NOW's Executive Vice President.
On Tuesday, October 2, the House Education and Labor committee will be discussing ENDA, which was originally introduced to prohibit employers from using a person's real or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity as a factor in employment decisions, such as hiring, firing or promotion.

Due to an unfortunate turn of events, the committee will be discussing a version of the bill that limits its protections solely to discrimination based on sexual orientation. Democratic leaders have decided that the original (transgender-inclusive) version, H.R. 2015, is unlikely to pass, so they have proposed a watered down version, H.R. 3685, which removes the language about gender identity.

"NOW joins with hundreds of civil, women's, and human rights organizations in calling on Speaker Pelosi to bring the original ENDA, H.R. 2015, to the House floor for a vote, and present a bill that recognizes all the various forms of potential workplace discrimination. The recently passed hate crimes bill ­ supported by a bipartisan group of House and Senate members - includes gender identity, and ENDA should too," stated Vives as she summed up NOW's opposition to the gutted bill.

There's one reason why Bush kept Libby out of jail: not because the sentence was excessive, but simply to keep him from ratting on Cheney and himself. In mob circles, that's called silencing a witness. Here's Marcy Wheeler:
Well, George did it. Made sure that Scooter wouldn’t flip rather than do jail time. He commuted Libby’s sentence, guaranteeing not only that Libby wouldn’t talk, but retaining Libby’s right to invoke the Fifth. This amounts to nothing less than obstruction of justice.
Bush has now joined Libby and Cheney in the criminal coverup of the felonious outing a covert CIA agent. And the public is outraged - 72% of Americans oppose a pardon. What can you do?
Email your Representatives to Impeach Cheney
Email your Representatives to Impeach Bush
Email the House Judiciary Committee to Start Hearings on H.Res. 333, Articles of Impeachment for Vice President Cheney
Organize a Honk to Impeach
Join your local Congressional District Impeachment Committee
Don't waste your time calling the White House. Call your Representative to impeach Cheney and Bush:(800) 828-0498 / (800) 459-1887 / (800) 614-2803 / (866) 340-9281 / (866) 338-1015

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Ten Reasons to Impeach George Bush and Dick Cheney

1. Violating the United Nations Charter by launching an illegal "War of Aggression" against Iraq without cause, using fraud to sell the war to Congress and the public, misusing government funds to begin bombing without Congressional authorization, and subjecting our military personnel to unnecessary harm, debilitating injuries, and deaths.
2. Violating U.S. and international law by authorizing the torture of thousands of captives, resulting in dozens of deaths, and keeping prisoners hidden from the International Committee of the Red Cross.
3. Violating the Constitution by arbitrarily detaining Americans, legal residents, and non-Americans, without due process, without charge, and without access to counsel.
4. Violating the Geneva Conventions by targeting civilians, journalists, hospitals, and ambulances, and using illegal weapons, including white phosphorous, depleted uranium, and a new type of napalm.
5. Violating U.S. law and the Constitution through widespread wiretapping of the phone calls and emails of Americans without a warrant.
6. Violating the Constitution by using "signing statements" to defy hundreds of laws passed by Congress.
7. Violating U.S. and state law by obstructing honest elections in 2000, 2002, 2004, and 2006.
8. Violating U.S. law by using paid propaganda and disinformation, selectively and misleadingly leaking classified information, and exposing the identity of a covert CIA operative working on sensitive WMD proliferation for political retribution.
9. Subverting the Constitution and abusing Presidential power by asserting a "Unitary Executive Theory" giving unlimited powers to the President, by obstructing efforts by Congress and the Courts to review and restrict Presidential actions, and by promoting and signing legislation negating the Bill of Rights and the Writ of Habeas Corpus.
10. Gross negligence in failing to assist New Orleans residents after Hurricane Katrina, in ignoring urgent warnings of an Al Qaeda attack prior to Sept. 11, 2001, and in increasing air pollution causing global warming.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Everyday Heroes

I love hearing stories of good news. Monica Lovato is a true inspiration. If only more of us could be like this! How cool! I urge you to check this out and submit stories of your own heroes, people in your own family, community and life.

Friday, September 28, 2007

This is so cool and what I believe Church should be about!

I encourage you all to check out the article linked here, it is about the Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community, with co pastors one Presbyterian and the other Methodist. The church has a diverse congregation including grandparents, young tattooed adults, homeless people and wealthy suburban families. To me, this is the spirit of what Church is supposed to be about and really speaks to the core of Christianity, it is about bringing real people together, having real conversations and communion with God, and sharing the message in many forms and in diverse ways so that it reaches everyone. Praise God for churches like this one!

Sunday, September 09, 2007

George Carlin, My favorite Feminist!

I have always been what I call Pro-life, but most of the world calls Pro-Choice. I believe that women get pregnant because of a multiple of reasons. Some want to, they seek it out and it is a blessing, for others it is a surprise and unexpected blessing. Still others it is not. Before we curse a woman's choice what to do with her body when she is pregnant let's talk about her choices before she is pregnant. I gave talks in College, and at times still get riled, but choose to avoid the fight most of the time. However, could not sleep tonight and was watching George Carlin! OMG he is wonderful! He says it better than me, but as long as society can force a woman to get pregnant by rape, incest, lack of education, lack of health care, resources and outrageous malicious religiosity, then women don't even have the choice of whether they get pregnant or not.

His statements are obnoxious, but when he points out that Anti-Abortion Activities think it is wrong to kill a fetus no matter what the circumstances but rationalize killing a physician, he clearly shows the stupidity of their thinking.

In any case, just remember we all are judged by God, and I never met anyone without sin that had the authority to throw that first stone at me, until then, lets help women who need our help, and think about WWJD. I am sure he would not be involved in bombing clinics or violence toward those that work there!
OMG!!!!!! What a nightmare of a dream vacation! I heard we were on CNN, I trust you all will let me know! In any case, there have been some good things on my Mediteranian Cruise turned bus tour of Italy. So here it is, enjoy a laugh at my expense, I either laugh or scream in anger!

Do understand however, this “free” cruise is rather expensive for a social worker, although no cost for the cruise tickets (which I checked would have been $2500 for one, and I was given two), the shore excursions with guide have to be paid for, drinks including SODA (and you all know of my addition to diet coke) must be paid for. For $60 I bought a glass I can get free refills of diet soda at any time the entire cruise.

Day 1 and 2 were beautiful. I flew to Barcelona. What a beautiful city, stayed in a lovely hotel. Saw the city, walked about, took the local bus transportation about (having no idea I would be spending my entire trip on a bus-more about that later). The hotel was gracious and held our bags the second day while we roamed about seeing the sites. I saw the Monumento a Colon (Columbus Monument). This was at Las Ramblas, on the waterfront. Las Ramblas is a delightful tree lined boulevard and the center of activity in the town and stretches from the waterfront through the center of town, pass beautiful cathedrals. I went to the marketplace, saw wonderful actors dressed very realistically to look like statues, they would move suddenly as you passed, for a tip you could have your picture taken with them! I had a wonderful Spanish lunch and it set the mood for the entrance to the ship.

As I approached the Millennium, it was breathtaking. It was the largest ship in the port, by far. It has 11 floors. I can look out the widow over my bed and see the ocean. Its great except the last four days the view has been the concrete wall of the Civitavecchia Port we are stuck in. I board in great anticipation of my 12-Night Classical Mediterranean Cruise! The Ship was beautiful! It looked like the titanic. Deck 1 is where the security is when you board and the medical center. On deck 2 on the Port side is my room, staterooms are on Decks 2-9, with penthouse type rooms with private outside decks on Deck 6-9. Deck 3 is where the offices, bank, guest relations and shore excursions and desks are. There is also a cinema and atrium and grand foyer and the Olympic Restaurant (reservations required) on Deck 3. From the grand foyer on the deck you can walk up a grand staircase to deck 4. This is where the first level of the formal dining room is. You must dress in formal wear to attend dinner here. Also on this desk are the casino, the photo gallery, the online Internet room (if you have wireless like me you can also access internet from the Martina Bar and Cova Café on Deck 5, the Rendezvous Lounge on Deck 4 and the Ocean Café on Deck 10), Fortunes Casino Bar, Michael’s Piano Bar (my personal favorite), and the Rendezvous Lounge. Deck 5 houses the Cova Café de Milano, the Martini Bar, the gift boutiques, game tables with all sorts of board games and cards available, and the Art Gallery. Another breathtaking stairway is here on Deck 4 to 5 as well. Deck 4 & 5 also house the Celebrity Theater. Deck 5 & 6 houses the library with a spiral staircase to get to either floor of the library. The acupuncture clinic is on Deck 7. Deck 10 houses one outdoor swimming pool, a number of hot tubs and covered salt water adult pool with two spas for 18 and over guests, a heath food restaurant, Casual Dining Boulevard, Ocean Café, and the Riviera Grill (poolside) are the restaurants on deck 10. The Aqua Spa, exercise room, sauna, and more on this floor. Party bands, Guitarists, Pianist, Dance bands, orchestra’s, full theater shows such as live can-can and other celebrity singers and dancers are on at different locations and nights. Deck 11 houses the Conservatory floral boutique (two stories), the Cosmos Nightclub, the Mast bar, the Extreme Lounge, Dart games, the Fun Factory for youth (a grand play room with a playground and children’s playroom with table tennis, games and more, hip music, etc.). Deck 12, only partial deck houses a basketball court and tennis court only. Deck 14 houses a topless sunbathing deck only.

So the first night of cruise we set sail! Wahoo! There was a Catholic Mass in the morning (sorry Granny I skipped, I am in the 12 step program for recovering Catholics however). I went to the spa and had wonderful skin treatments.

There are some limited shopping and a castle at the port where we are. We have watched many other cruise ships come and go, none as impressive as this one, however they are going and we are not! I played Bingo but missed the many lectures, classes, fruit carving demonstration shuffleboard and table tennis tournaments. I did go to the Champagne Art Auction, won some free art and drank lots of free champagne. We has a formal dinner, met some great people from Ohio and South Africa. I skipped the movie, Brokeback Mountain. After dinner I worked out at the gym, then went to the Casino and won $40 at the slots. We also celebrated Canada Day aboard.

The next day we arrived in Villfranche, in the French Riviera. Here we visited Monaco and Monte Carlo and drove by Nice, and drove by Elton John, Tina Turner, and Bono’s home’s. In Monte Carlo we visited the famous Monte Carol Casino. Monte Carlo is in Monaco, which is a tax-free sovereign state whose territory is surrounded by France. We drove down part of the streets that are used in the famous Formula One Grand Prix. In Monaco we went on a walking tour saw Jacque Casteua’s museum, saw Princess Caroline’s palace and the church where Grace Kelly was married, the Palace of Monaco, and other sites. Villafranche is one of the most charming and unspoiled harbors. This little port village overlooks the Capital Cap Ferrat Peninsula. It has an old world charm and ambience, reminisce of the 14th century. It was a wonderful day!

Shortly after we got back on board we were walking on the ship when we hit the rocks (yes we were still docked). They gave no explanations, and lied about the delay take off having to do with some travelers not getting back on board, when I confronted staff about the giant jolt, the denied saying a lifeboat hit the side (we had to return to ship in the lifeboats and leave on them due to not being able to get the giant ship to shore).

We were supposed to go to Livorno, Italy from there. We did not go here, this is where I had planned my trip to Florence, Tuscany, Pisa and Lucca. I had a wonderful shore excursion booked here. Oh well, we headed straight to Civitavechia, where there is a big port where they could make repairs to the two broken propellers. So to relieve stress I booked another spa day, glorious. I spent the next day on board as we traveled at 10 knots. This day I watched the movie “The Producers” with Matthew Broderick on the on board movie theater. I spent time in the salt-water spas and swam in the pool. I played in the Casino and lost the $40 I had one. I enjoyed music at the piano bar, went to a wine tasting, window shopped at the on board shops, and had a formal dinner in the dinning room. I skipped the Disco party and instead listened to jazz in one of the nightclubs!

Independence Day saw us limping into Civitavchia. I had a wonderful day and believed the promises that the ship would be repaired when we got back. I took an hour bus ride to Rome, Italy’s capital. Within the boundaries of Rome, is Vatican City, an independent state. Vatican City was our first stop. This impressive area of little more than 100 acres is the world’s smallest independent sovereign entity, dating back to pre-Christian times. It is a religious and diplomatic force, which has elevated this tiny state to a position equal of most nations. With a population of 350, it has over 5000 employees. From there we roamed Roam (lol). We saw relics over 2000 years old including the Coliseum, the Forum and Palatine Hill. Most of the famous Baroque artists were creative here and their paintings, statues and architecture abound throughout Rome. Rome’s population is nearly 3 million. I also saw the Arch of Constantine, the Forum, The Pathenon (burial place of painter Raphael), Castel Sant’Angelo, Trevi Fountain and Piazza Di Spagna, where the impressive Spanish steps are.

We arrived back and got our second disappointment of the trip! I stood inline for hours the next night to get on a wait list for bus tours of Florence. Our bus left at 6am we drove and went to Florence and visited Santa Croce built I 1294 in gothic style. It contains the tombs of Michelangelo, Galileo, Ghiberti, Machivelli, Marconi, Dante, Medicci, and Lorenzo. I visited a leather shop in that same church. I walked down to Piazza della Signoria, the City’s largest square and historical and commerce center. The Neptune Fountain was here and the walk to the cafes was fun. Then I walked to Ponte Vecchio where the gold merchants were. This is informally called the golden bridge due to all the gold smiths and shops. I had lunch in the open market, which was fun. I then walked to the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fior, the second largest Cathedral in the World. The building of this gothic style church began in 1926 and took 150 years to complete. I walked its 463 steps for a panoramic view of the city. I then walked to the Baptistry and saw the massive and famous doors; it has three massive bronze gates and panels, quite intricate and impressive. I then returned to the market after seeing the statue of Michelagnelo’s David in front of the Courthouse for some shopping. I then traveled the 4.5 hours back to the ship on the bus with my group!

We were supposed to leave this night for Naples, but again were told give us one more day and all will be well again. We did not make it to Naples. I went back to Rome this day and went to Vatican City and took the subway to Barbarini Square and I went to the Hard Rock Café and saw the US Embassy across the street. I then walked up Via Venetto a main street and saw the famous Harry’s Bar, had the most delicious pizza of my life, crossed in front of the Grand Flora, the headquarters of the Nazi’s in World War II. I stopped at a restaurants favored by locals (much like Margie’s I think) and an old Mom of a waitress made us a great Italian meal. I returned to Barbarini Square took the subway to the Coliseum and walked around the Roman ruins of the Roman Forum, their center of government. I then walked across the Circus Maximus where they had the old chariot races. I then took the subway back to St. Peter’s Square where I had Pizza and beer and shopped until the bus arrived to return us the boat.

Upon arriving back we learned again we were not leaving today but likely tomorrow. (Yeah right!) I woke up and caught a bus to Sorento at 5:45. This is a peaceful resort and traditional holiday center amid beautiful cliff-side gardens with spacious views. I visited a factory where they produce attractive wood inlays and lace worked, as well as a cameo factory where they showed us how cameos were carved from shells. We drove along Amalfi Drive, noted as one of the most spectacular Drives to Europe, stretching along the mountains of the Salerno Coast. Amalfi town was originally an important Maritime Republic and its Cathedral built in 937 AD features a unique grand stairway leading to the beautiful Byzantine façade. I then took the bus to Pompeii. The eruption of Mt. Vesusivus, a still active volcano destroyed this town in 70 A.D. Numerous excavations have unburied the town and it is the best-preserved city of ancient Rome. I saw the remains of the public buildings; walked down the stone streets, saw temples, shops, theaters and public baths as well.

Tomorrow again did not come. I am now writing about today. I slept late, woke had a late wonderful breakfast, and then went to the Spa for my third and final skin treatment. It was lovely. They repainted my nails for free during the treatment. I had lunch aboard later, went swimming, and then went spent some time on the Internet before playing Bingo. After Bingo I walked about, went to dinner, dealt with staff from corporate office, and then went to the Art Gallery before returning here to the Internet. The latest announcement, about 10 minutes ago stated that we were not leaving port and they are now trying to get everyone home. Oh Joy! How they will accommodate two thousand guests is beyond me.

So I sign up for a free charter flight to New York, where they promise they will book us all flights to our home ports (and you see how well they have kept promises up to this point). So I set my alarm for 3 am to get on the 4 am bus to airport to find a note slipped under the door telling me I could have slept in! AUUGHH!! Anyway, we finally left about 8am. Stand in line forever (over 2 hours at the airport), get on the plane, and old DC 10 and flew to New York, still no news on the connecting airflight, which we promised we would have beofre take off, AUUUGH!

We land, and amazingly, Crusie Line Staff are awaiting, they check names and give us connecting flights and let us know if it is more than an 8 hour wait, they have rented rooms in the airport hotel for us to hang out in. I am sure as many have their flight information, that I am out of luck, but I wait and find that I have about 40 mintues to get to my flight! Thank Goodness I had already gone through customs. I head to the right terminal get on the flight, and enjoy the final part of my fanastic trip!

Now this trip was a month or so ago, we were promised vouchers for a new crusie, but I have yet to see it, and when I got home there was a message waiting for me from the Crusie Line telling me to please book my free trip, they apparently forgot I was on one. The mesage was 2 days after the cruise left.

I did discover a great resource while on board, a great blog site, if you are taking a crusie, check this site out, the people on the cruise after us, which was cancelled for ship repairs found out their cruise was cancelled on this site before the Crusie Lines could accuratley answer their questions when called. Here is the website:

Read more on:

Although this trip was some months ago, no word on how to get my new trip I was promised!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Strong Civil Rights Bill Passes House

NOW: Fifteen Years of Hard Work Paying Off
May 4, 2007
By a bipartisan vote of 237 to 180, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 1592, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007. The proposed law will not only expand the definition of hate crimes for victims of race and religious-based violence, but for the first time will help prevent and prosecute crimes motivated by violence based on gender, gender identity, disability or sexual orientation. The legislation was passed without damaging amendments and is now headed to the Senate -- although George Bush has already issued a statement saying he will veto the bill.
"The passage of this bill is significant to the National Organization for Women because we have fought for the last 15 years for an inclusive law that would protect all of those who were excluded from previous hate crime laws," said NOW President Kim Gandy. "How dare George Bush veto a bill that does nothing more than protect vulnerable people from violence. Hate is not a family value."
Since passage of the House bill, right-wing groups that aggressively oppose this legislation have been spreading the dishonest message that the law will threaten religious liberty. That is just plain wrong. This bill does not criminalize hate speech, only physical violence, nor does it infringe on any group's civil rights or religious liberties.
This legislation is especially important for the girls and women of this nation. For the first time, local law enforcement will have the tools and support they need to protect the public against crimes motivated by extreme bias. Women know first hand how vicious crimes of hate violence can affect our lives. We know that hate crimes are more than individual assaults -– they send shock waves and fear throughout a whole community and segments of our diverse population.
NOW applauds Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) and Rep. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.), for introducing the bill, and all the members of the 110th Congress who have made a commitment to protect those who are targeted for hate violence.
"Imagine your daughters and sons living without fear of hate-based crimes," says Gandy. "This legislation will give them the peace of mind that there is no place for hate violence in our society. The Senate now must do their part in protecting our loved ones."

Monday, May 21, 2007

Amazing Freedom Conference 2007

If you have never been to a Women of Faith's Conference, you need to go, here is the web site, check it out. This will be my third time, it is so increible, a great way to reinergize your faith!
Amazing Freedom Conference 2007

Friday, May 18, 2007

UMW - Women’s Division Okays Steps to Middle East Peace

The United Methodist Women want Peace in the middle east, click here to read more aout it!
UMW - Women’s Division Okays Steps to Middle East Peace

Thursday, May 17, 2007

The SaveNetRadio Coalition
The future of Internet radio is in immediate danger. Royalty rates for webcasters have been drastically increased by a recent ruling and are due to go into effect on July 15 (retroactive to Jan 1, 2006!). If the increased rates remain unchanged, the majority of webcasters will go bankrupt and silent on this date. Internet radio needs your help! The Internet Radio Equality Act has recently been introduced in both the House (H.R. 2060) and Senate (S. 1353) to save the Internet radio industry. Please call your senators and your representative to ask them to co-sponsor the Internet Radio Equality Act by clicking below.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Job openings at CREW

CREW is hiring a Construction Corrdinator/Mitigation Coordinator, Case Manger/Office Manger, and Case Manger Supervisor.
Discussions - FLVOADCommunicationsCentral Google Groups

Take Action: Show Your Support for Hard Working Mothers

Help those with disabilities now, get active, go!
Take Action: Show Your Support for Hard Working Mothers

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Sign the Presidential Election Not "America's Next Top Model" Petition

Sign the Presidential Election Not "America's Next Top Model" Petition

Get Involved Now!

Books, Bones, Bricks, and Bullets

Books, Bones, Bricks, and Bullets , this is a really cool Christian website that promotes the study of science and history.

Clewiston, Florida -- Clewiston's Second Annual SPRING CLEANING.

Clewiston, Florida -- Clewiston's Second Annual SPRING CLEANING.

Impeach Bush

Impeach Bush

Immigrant Rights

United Methodist Women/GBGM Women's Division takes a position on immigrant rights!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Got Dave in a suit!

Trish and Dave at the CREW Fundaiser!