Thursday, January 21, 2010

Cultural Differences

Cultural Differences by Trish Adams, LCSW

The waves of shock and sadness overcome
As your heart wails the tragic tale
Letting your tears bang like a drum
I listen, clutching and hugging

There are no words to comfort
Such grief and wails to God
No bargaining will He court
I cry and grieve with you

As a mystery of life
I explain the absence of answers
A grieving mother and wife
Your eyes search my soul

I know what you want
If I could explain the deaths
And stop the reason hunt
The peace would come

But I hold you and share
The understanding of a woman
You hear the love and care
Despite our differences

My hearts breaks as I hear the whine
You cry and scream in your words
I whisper understanding in mine
Barriers of language disappear

Humanity trumps
The pain of feeling alone
As hope to us jumps
We search together

The grace of God
Breaks through the darkness
Like a steel rod
Piercing the disbelief