Thursday, February 14, 2008

Don't Let Congress trample worker's rights!

Card Check:Vastly Expanding the Ability of Labor Unions to OrganizeUnion membership has steadily declined over most of the past 25 years, leaving labor bosses desperate to increase their numbers. Their solution? A piece of legislation hypocritically called the "Employee Free Choice Act"...better known as "Card Check.

"What is Card Check?Card Check is an attack on workers' rights to decide for themselves whether they want to be part of a union. It allows union bosses to intimidate and coerce workers. It removes workers' ability to make an informed, confidential decision about a critical issue affecting their workplace. It takes away the secret ballot which all Americans view as a basic right.

Don't be Fooled.The threat is real. If passed, Card Check would trample workers' rights, embolden union organizers to form unions in businesses of all sizes, and greatly undercut America's ability to compete with other countries because of much higher labor costs. What You Can Do:Help stop this abuse of power. It's time to stand up to union bosses and show them that they are outnumbered by the hard-working men and women of America. Card Check is the top legislative priority of the unions and they will be mobilizing again this year to get it passed and signed into law. Help us stop this power grab by the union bosses by taking a minute to sign our online petition opposing Card Check.

Friends of the U.S. Chamber is a new grassroots initiative of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the world's largest business federation representing more than 3 million businesses and organizations of every size, sector, and region.

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