Friday, February 22, 2008

Join Kairos for Earth Hour

KAIROS wants you to turn off your lights for an hour at 8 pm on Saturday, March 29!Why? Because our use of fossil fuels –symbolized here by a light bulb- is contributing to global climate change. In 2007, the people of Sydney, Australia, decided that they could send a powerful message for change by turning off all their lights at the same time. More than 2 million citizens and businesses did so. Now, the World Wildlife Fund is taking Sydney’s history–making moment global by encouraging people, businesses, and communities all over the world to turn off their lights and demand action on climate change.KAIROS asks you, your church, and your community to join in this global effort as part of your commitment to the Re-Energize: Time For A Carbon Sabbath campaign ( Use this time to reflect on your use of fossil fuels and their connections not just to climate change but to human rights and conflict as well. Build community around these issues. Advocate with local and federal governments to change their policies and practices related to fossil fuels.Want to get started?Download the "KAIROS Earth Hour Kit" (PDF file)-- it has ideas big and small, from turning out the lights at home to approaching your community government, local businesses, and the whole community to turn out the lights.Have a little more time and energy?Download the "KAIROS Earth Hour Worship" (PDF file) -- Bring your church community together to observe this time and take action.Let Us Know What You’re Up To!KAIROS wants to know about your activities so we can let our government know that Canadian churchgoers think the climate crisis requires immediate and substantial action. We also want to help people looking for an event on March 29 find one that they can attend. Please let us know about your Earth Hour event before it happens. After the event, call us or drop a line letting us know about your Earth Hour. Email Sara Stratton ( or call her at 1-877-403-8933 x 241.

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